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No in fact they are the same size of mouses some may be a few feet taller

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Q: Is a dwarf hamster bigger than a mouse?
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Do mice learn faster than hamsters?

Because hamsters are very fat and clumsy, and mice are quick and not (very) fat, I think a mouse would be faster.

Is a hamster bigger than a mouse?

Yes They Are

Is a bot dwarf hamster smaller than a girl dwarf hamster?

They're both almost equall in size but the girl is a tiny bit bigger.

Do hamsters get big like rats?

It all depends on the breed of hamster. Usually rats tend to be bigger when fully grown than a fully grown hamster. And if its a dwarf hamster the rat is definitely bigger.

Do you need a smaller tip water bottle for a dwarf hamster?

no, you don't because hamsters are just hamsters and dwarf hamsters have a bigger mouth than you think.

Can you put dwarf hamsters and guinea pigs together?

No. The guinea pig is much bigger than a dwarf hamster, and putting them together may cause harm to the dwarf hamster.

Do dwarf hamsters eat some different things than bigger hamsters do?

No but buy some hamster mix that has less sugur if to much your dwarf might get diabetes

What other types of hamsters are there besides the Syrian?

There are dwarf hamsters their are Chinese dwarf hamster ( this hamster isn't classified as a dwarf they are just small hamsters) The winter white hamster Campbell dwarf hamster Roborovski dwarf hamster And they are different names and they all have different colors but syrian hamsters have more colors than dwarf hamsters

What is bigger male or female dwarf hamster?

When i chose my hamster i researched it and i found that males are friendlier than the females. They can only be housed with hamsters from the same litter though.

What is the differences between Chinese dwarf hamster and regular hamsters?

by normal, if you mean sirian hamsters then the main difference is that Chinese hamsters belong to the dwarf hamster species, which are considerably smaller and arent as friendly (believe me, i know, i own two!).

Wicth is a better pet you are deciding over 7 pets Fancy Russian Dwarf Hamster or Robo Dwarf Hamster or Fancy Bear Hamster or Gerbil or Fancy Mouse or Dumbo Rat or Fancy Rat or a Guinea Pig?

I would say and dwarf hamster any kind there cheaper and they wont chew the bars of your hamster cage they are really cute. but do not get two and try not to let them escape your hands. They are really fast runners that's why i got the teddy bear hamster because they come in cute colors and they don't bite as much and you can get more than one. =)

Is the Syrian hamster a dwarf hamster?

No. There is a notable size distinction between the Syrian Hamster (5-7" long) and the dwarf hamsters (Chinese, Russian, Roborovski), which are rarely longer than 4".