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Q: Is a full fridge easier to keep cold than an empty one?
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Is it easier to smash a full can of soda or a empty can of soda?

An empty can is much easier. A full can if full of liquid- and liquids cannot be compressed (squashed)

Is an empty fridge easier to move than a full fridge?

Yes as it is lighter to carry. Also, stuff inside could rattle about and make it unstable. I would also remove the shelves as these add weight. Hope this helps!

Why is it easier to tip a full truck rather than an empty one?

The load in a full truck is mainly higher than the centre of gravity (COG) of the empty truck. As a result the COG of a full truck is higher. It is this than makes it easier to tip.

Does it cost more on the electricity bill to have your refrigerator and freezer empty or full?

It costs more to keep the fridge empty. Once all to the items in a stocked fridge get cold, they help maintain that cold temperature.AnswerIt's not differ. Once you set the temperature and stocked all items in both equipments, then after some time they automatically managed the temperature. We must need to use genuine electrical products. You can also use the solar energy products for getting lower electricity bills.

Is it better to do an ab workout with an empty or full stomach?

Somewhat empty. If you just finish eating before you exercise, you'll cramp up easier.

Why is a empty truck easier to stop?

Because it weighs less than one that's full of product.

Why is it easier to push an empty box on the surface than a full box?

Because the air that is in the full box is being pushed while the other box that is empty has no air at all for it to be heavy.

How do mass and inertia make it easier to pick up an empty juice bottle and a full juice bottle?

An empty bottle has less mass than a full bottle. This means that the empty bottle has less force to overcome when lifted which corresponds to less work to lift it.

What are some antonyms food related?

cooked / raw hot / cold full / empty frozen / boiling

What is a empty glass full of water?

An empty glass full of

Why is a full basket easier to stop than an empty basket?

A full basket has more mass, which gives it greater inertia, making it harder to accelerate or decelerate. This means more force is required to stop a full basket compared to an empty one.

Why is your freezer cold but not your refrigerator?

Strangely enough fridges and feezers actually need to have stuff inside them to work properly. A fridge or a freezer will work best when they are about 60-75% full. If they are too empty or too full then they won't be as cold.