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An empty can is much easier. A full can if full of liquid- and liquids cannot be compressed (squashed)

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Q: Is it easier to smash a full can of soda or a empty can of soda?
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Do all soda cans sink in water?

depends if they're empty or full

Does a full can of soda have a greater volume than an empty one?

no....its stil lthe same volume.(:

Does a full bottle of soda have more mass than a empty bottle?

err, yes, because: bottle mass + soda mass > bottle mass

What tool would be the most appropriate to use to measure the weight of a bottle of soda?

full=ounces, empty=......ounces?

How do i explode an empty and sealed soda can with an air compressor?

how do i explode an empty and sealed soda can with an air compressor

What can of soda would go faster an empty one or one that is full?

If you roll it on its side down a slight slope, the full can would go faster because it has more weight.

Do you store collectible soda cans empty?

yes, I store them empty.

How many empty soda cans does it take to equal a pound?

Empty, 28 cans make up a pound. I have a gram scale and a dried out empty coke can weighs just over 13.8 grams. 1 lbs = approx 454 grams 454 grams / 13.8 = 32.89855..... So if you asked me I'd say the number of typical soda cans in a pound is approx. 33

What is an empty calorie food that some people call liquid candy?

Soda! :)

How do you build a bb gun?

Take a large empty plastic soda pop bottle. Drill a hole in the lid and force a straw into the hole. Put a BB in the straw and smash the bottle. It's an old kid trick.

Why does the company of soda cans leaves inside an empty space?

i think the company is leaving an empty space inside the can of soda because ithink it will just spill.

Calories from food like soda and ice cream are called?

Empty calories.