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No its not, as your dogs will turn into Hot Dogs.

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Q: Is a home with no ac and 2 large dogs safe when it gets really hot?
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Related questions

How do dogs make home safe?

Dogs are wonderfull creatures if you love them and they love you than when a stranger comes into your home he will growl,Bite,fight,bark They can really keep you safe!

Where can you find an insurance company that will sell homeowners insurance to people with large dogs?

Allstate is a company that will insure a home with large dogs. The one stipulation is that they inspect most potential homes, so if the dogs are not in a secure area, the policy could be cancelled for that hazard.

When great dogs fight the small dog gets A a home B a bone C a life D a master?

a bone

Are there any home remedies for toy breed dogs like chihuahua that gets a honking cough from trachea issue?

Yes, there are home remedies for toy breed dogs like chihuahua. You may have to ask a vet which one is the best for your dog.

Do bed bug come from cats or dogs?

Bedbugs will feed upon cats and dogs if humans are not present or if the infestation is large, but they are not brought into a home by pets, nor do they live on them.

Are there genius dogs?

Yes there are. Some dogs are very clever and can sense that their owners are coming back home from at least 15 minutes away. Some dogs are very stubborn but some learn very quickly. There are dog dancers and sniffer dogs. So really all dogs are really clever in some way.

Are dogs in endangered?

It really depends on what kind of dog. If your talking about indoor house dogs then no. They have home and will continue to live. If your talking about wild dogs then some yes. Some like the wild Dingo.

Dose your home dogs mean dogs at home?


Do young pitbulls attack?

Depends on how they are trained. I have 2 at home and they weren't very good dogs at first, but after time, work, and a lot of patience they can be really amazing dogs.

What is Kristen Stewarts favorite animal?

Wolves are her favorite animal. She thinks they are just really cool. She has a few dogs and a cat at home.

Where r dogs from?

dogs r from the home star u think coyotes r howling at the moon, their really howling at the home star coyotes r home sick cry babies, they were sent to destroy the earth but THE great Dane (the top dog) decided to let them stay as pets............................... some dogs still want to take over the planet

What is a local dogs home?

Your home, of course!