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yes a king is like a Pharaoh

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Q: Is a king the same as a Pharaoh?
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Was tut a pharaoh or a king?

King Tutankhamen was a pharaoh.

What was the difference between a king and a pharaoh?

A king is an anarchy a pharaoh is dead...nah joking A pharaoh is like an emperor

Did Egypt declare Alexander a pharaoh?

Pharaoh means king. Alexander by conquering Egypt became it's king = pharaoh.

Where was pharaoh king of Egypt born?

what do u mean by pharaoh king, there many kings in Egypt. Plus a pharaoh is a king so that's a stupid question.

What is the Pharaoh?

The Pharaoh is the king of Egypt and is the living god.

How does a Pharaoh differ from a king or queen?

a Pharaoh is from ancient Egypt and a king or queen is from some where else.

Why is King Tutankhamun called king and not pharaoh?

he is called a king and not a Pharaoh because he was only 10 years old when he died and he was the only Pharaoh they found with all the gold in the tomb!

What is Pharaoh?

A Pharaoh is an Egyptian King who is at the highest social class.

Is Hatshepsut related to a pharaoh?

She was a pharaoh. She was the King of Egypt after her brother.

What does Pharaoh represent?

a pharaoh represents a king of Egyptian life.

How is pharaoh?

Pharaoh is the term for the ruler (king) in the Ancient Egypt.

What year did king Tutankhamun become pharaoh?

king tut became king (or pharaoh) in about 1,350 B.C. a boy around 9 pears old