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In most countries NO, because an 18 year old is an adult and responsible for themselves.

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Q: Is a parent responsible for their child's actions after they turn 18?
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When is a parent no longer responsible for a child in New York State?

When they turn 18.

What age is parent no longer responsible for their child in new york?

A parent is no longer responsible for a child in the US when a child turns 18. Of course, a parent can also have rights terminated or turn the child over to a guardian.

What age are you legally an adult in NY?

your parent's are legally responsible for you until you turn 21; so technically, you are not legally an adult until you turn 21.

What age is parent financially responsible for child?

well, actually parents are responsible financially till they graduate from collage, but if the drop out from school just till they turn 18.

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In indiana are the parents responsible for supporting their child after they turn 18?

When is a parent in Louisiana no longer responsible for minors And at what age can they leave home in Louisiana?

When children turn 18, they can leave home and are technically adults for whom the parent no longer has legal responsibility.

Should parents be legally responsible for their child's crime?

If you are an adult and your child commits a crime you can and will be held liable for there actions if you knew they were committing the action or failed to act in a reasonable manner to stop them and did not report them. You can also be held liable for any damages they caused committing an illegal act. As a parent you are legally responsible not only for the actions that they conduct but the damage they inflict. You are responsible for their school attendance and for them complying to any and all state issued mandates after the fact. If you feel that you can not control your child or that you can not prevent them from committing illegal acts, it is best that you turn them over to the states juvenile program as an unruly child to prevent you from being held liable for their actions.

Can a parent be required to support 18 yr old in New York state if not attending school?

Yes, the parent remains responsible. Until they turn 18 or are emancipated, they remain the responsibility of the parents. They determine where the child can live.

Is a sixteen year old male responsible for child support if the mother was over eighteen at the time of conception?

Well in the state of Wisconsin the grandparent/s of the baby is responsible for the welfare until the parent or parents of the baby turn 18 yrs of age.

How do you stop your parents from looking on your computer stuff?

You don't, unless you want to lose all your rights to use a computer. They have every right to know what you look at and where you are surfing. They are responsible for you and your actions until you turn 18. You go out and spam a site, and they can be held responsible.

Why do Jewish people celebrate at age 13?

Before one turns 13 they always shared their relationship with god but once you turn 13 you have your own relationship and your responsible for all your actions.

Who is responsible in an accident when a left hand turn is being made and the other driver is in the bike lane when they hit you?

Unable to answer. The scenario is not clear as to the location of lanes or the actions of all the vehicles involved.