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I think the B/K is the lessor of the 2 evils. from what I've read, its better(if there is such a thing) to wait until the creditorsget the judgments. The do the B/K thing and get the repos and judgments taken off at one time.get legal advice before you do B/K, it stays on your record for up to 10 yrs.

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Q: Is a repossession better than bankruptcy on your credit report?
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Does bankruptcy remove a repossession from your credit report?


Is it better to have a repossession or a bankruptcy on your record in regards to credit recovery?

Neither is good. However, a repossession does less damage and is removed from your credit report within less time than a bankruptcy.

Can you file for bankruptcy with a repo on your credit?

The fact that you have a repossession on your credit report is not a determining factor of whether your can file for bankruptcy. Generally in bankruptcy you can remove the debts from the repossession of your vehicle.

How do you remove a repossession on your credit report after bankruptcy is discharged?

You present proof that the repossession never occured. You can dispute it with the credit reporting agency.

Can you remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgment on the repossession?

No you cannot remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgement on the repossession.

If you file bankruptcy will that remove a charge off report from a credit card?

Filing bankruptcy does not remove a charge off report from a credit card on your credit report. It just adds bankruptcy to your credit report.

If you file bankruptcy will it also erase a vehicle repossession on another person's credit report?

It doesn't erase anything on your own credit report....just adds to it, why would it change someone elses? It adds that you are a bankrupt as well as having missed payments and had a repossession. A credit report simply reports what happened in the past....what ever you do now does not change live with the history you created.

What will a repossession do to your credit report?

A repossession is a serious negative and will drop your scores.

How long will a car repossession be on credit?

Like other credit items in your history (other than bankruptcy) it will remain on your credit report for 7 years. You may be able to have it removed sooner if it is not documented properly.

Need to get a reepo off my credit report?

i need to get a repossession off my credit report

What does a car repossession do to your credit How can you delete it from your record?

It hurts you credit tremondously. It will stay on your credit report for 7 years, and there is nothing you can do about it. Do not allow your car to be repossed. Voluntary repossession on not any better. Contact the lender and work something out.

When will a 1999 discharged bankruptcy be removed from a credit report?

It should be removed from the credit report in 2009. A bankruptcy remains on a credit report for ten years from date of discharge.