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Not exactly. A semi-wild horse is a horse that retains much of its "wildness" but is still raised by humans. Bucking horses are semi-wild horses, for instance.

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Q: Is a semi wild horse - A domesticated horse that has become wild again?
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What does the term semi-wild horse mean?

A horse that has one parent that is wild or some people say A domesticated horse that has become wild againThis can mean that the horse will let you pet or brush it but may not let you ride it.

What is a semi-wild horse?

Semi-wild is a domesticated horse that has become wild again. a semi wild horse is a fjord A "semi-wild horse" is a Mustang. They are thus called because of their unusual history. Horses are not native to the Americas, no horse had ever been seen in America until the Spainards and the English brought them over. Some of the horses, the brave, resourceful, and free-spirited ones, managed to escape and, their spiecies being suited to the enormous plains of the mid-west, as yet open, they began to form herds of free horses. The Mustangs roamed nomaically in the mid-west for generations, but, after the American Revolution, frontiersmen began to hunt down the mustangs for use as mounts, because they were considered the best horses in the world. There numbers dwindled as the development of the Midwest left less and less space for them to hide, and eventually they were all re-captured. Many of them killed themselves (the practice of slitting ones wrists comes from the way captured horses occansionally kill themselves rather than become essentially slaves) and the rest were reintroduced as domestic animals. Virtually no true wild mustangs exist today, although purebred mustangs are still highly valued.

Can you have a domesticated peacock?

Peafowl (Peacock and Peahen) have been kept in captivity since the Ancients. Many estates still have semi domesticated peafowl.

What does semi wild horse mean?

A "semi-wild horse" is a Mustang. They are thus called because of their unusual history.

What is semi-wild?

A horse that is not trained

What is a horse that has one wild parent called?

a "semi-wild" horse.

Do reindeer live in China?

A small, semi-domesticated population of reindeer is found in northern China.

Is a horse that has a high spirit called a semi-wild horse?

No, they are just high spirited!

What a half wild horse called?

Typically, a horse is either wild or tame, and there is no middle ground. I suppose you could call it semi-feral, semi-wild or semi-tame. If you mean a horse that lives with humans, but has not been gentled yet, you would refer to it as an unbroken horse. If you mean what is a horse that is half mustang or brumby called, then you would call it a mustang cross, or a brumby cross.

What is a define feral horse?

A feral horse is a free-roaming horse of domesticated ancestry. As such, a feral horse is not a wild animal in the sense of an animal without domesticated ancestors. However, some populations of feral horses are managed as wildlife, and these horses often are popularly called "wild" horses. Feral horses are descended from domestic horses that strayed, escaped, or were deliberately released into the wild and remained to survive and reproduce there. Away from humans, over time, these animals' patterns of behavior revert to behavior more closely resembling that of wild horses. Some horses that live in a feral condition but may be occasionally handled or managed by humans, particularly if privately owned, are referred to as "semi-feral."

Is a highly spirited horse semi-wild?

no, but if it came from the wild yes.

Is a spirited horse semi-wild?

only if it came fom the wild.