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in lamen's terms probably.

A supernova Type Ia occurs between two companion stars usually a large star and small companion white dwarf. What happens is that the dwarf star accretes (takes away) stellar material from the larger star. After this happens for a long time the amount of material becomes more and more dense (the star will actually become smaller in radius) and hotter and hotter until the conditions are correct for a fusion reaction to occur. The process is much more complicated than my explanation, but basically after fusion occurs...boom.

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Q: Is a stellar explosion a good definition for a supernova?
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Stellar in a sentence?

Stellar means exceptionally good or outstanding. An example of how to use it in a sentence is the contestant received stellar marks across the board.

What would happen if a super nova hit earth?

A supernova is an exploding star. The Earth would be instantly incinerated, of course. There is approximately zero chance this will ever happen, though. If there was a supernova near Earth ... it would depend on how near. Betelgeuse is a good candidate for a supernova "soon" (within the next million years or so). Scientists who have modeled supernova explosions don't expect it will have much of an impact. If a star nearer than Betelgeuse were to go supernova, then it might be more serious.

What does the name quasar stand for?

QUAsi-StellAR Object. When astronomers first noticed them they thought that these "quasi-stellar objects" were things that were sort of like stars, but not really stars. It wasn't for a long time that scientists realized that the Quasars were actually in other galaxies, which meant that they had to be such enormously bright and powerful objects that they couldn't POSSIBLY be stars.And here it stands. We have no good ideas as to what Quasars are, or how they came to be, or what will become of them. That's one of the joys of science; we watch and see what happens!

What cause the problem of the Apollo 13?

A short circuit in the electric wire caused the explosion in the oxygen cylinder. It was good that apollo 7-10 did not have it.

Can anything explode in space?

Sure, things can explode in space as long as there is an oxygen source as well as something that will combust. A good example is the explosion on Apollo 13. There was an explosion when a spark occurred in the electric motor that stirred an oxygen tank in the service module.

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Could you use the supernova with a midi guitar?

If you mean the Supernova synthesizer from the company Novation, then, YES! By definition, a midi guitar has either no, or very limited sound generation capabilities of its own and actually needs a MIDI device (such as a synth like the Supernova) to produce the actual sound. The Supernova is a MIDI synthesizer, and a darn good one! Basically your midi guitar will send midi "messages" to the SuperNova which will produce the sound (assuming of course that you have it hooked up to an amplifier, your PC soundcard w/speakers, or headphones, etc). Good luck!

Can a star with a mass 10 times greater that of the sun produce a supernova?

Yes, a star with a mass 10 times greater than the sun can produce a supernova. When massive stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, they undergo a catastrophic explosion called a supernova, leading to the collapse of the star's core and the ejection of its outer layers into space.

Stellar in a sentence?

Stellar means exceptionally good or outstanding. An example of how to use it in a sentence is the contestant received stellar marks across the board.

What you a good sentence with the word stellar in it?

Her outstanding onstage performance was considered a stellar achievement by the critics .

Is Stellar Conflicts a good game?


When a star explodes what is it called?

When a blue star blows up t is called a supernova, which eventually leads into the formation of a black hole. Although a regular star, say our sun, doesn't blow up, it turns into a huge super giant, it grows 5X its normal size and it will either gulp earth up, or burn us to death, but don't worry, that won't happen for a couple billion years, but not so good for your Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great [could go forever] grand children :D

Is Nokia Supernova 7210 is good?

Yes, it's an good handset. It has a good response

Where is a good place to get info on a supernova?

Try related links. or search about 1- Supernova, 2- Stars, 3-Life cycle of stars.

Why would you not see a supernova explosion?

Supernovae are rare events, occurring approximately once every 50 years in a galaxy the size of our Milky Way. Additionally, the brightness of the supernova may be obscured by interstellar dust, or it may occur in a distant galaxy beyond our ability to observe with current technology.

How good are g shock watches?

stellar deffinatly worth the money

What are possible end products of a super nova?

Well, theoretically, we are the end products of a massive supernova. So in other words, if another massive supernova took place, it could create life. There are also other results but this is the main one.Every element heavier than iron (which includes gold) was produced in a supernova.

How do you use the word stellar in a sentence?

There are two definitions for the word stellar. One meaning is of something relating to stars. The other meaning is very good. An example of a sentence using the latter definition of the word is, "The orchestra gave a stellar performance last night."