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None of the above. It's Harry Potter's wand. He stuck it in there when he battled against their evilness. He had anger issues.

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Q: Is a unicorns horn called a horn or a corn?
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Related questions

How did unicorns get their name?

By somebody naming them when someone adopt them from the evils

What is a unicorns horn called?

An Alicorn

Why is corn called a horn?

its long

Why are unicorns called unicorns and not unihorns?

Cornus is Latin for horn. Actually unicorn means one horn. Uni is one and cornus is Latin for horn.

Do unicorns live on this planet?

No, unicorns do not have wings, winged horses are called PegausSome unicorns are depicted with both the unicorn horn and wings, Unicorn-Pegasus hybrids.

What is unicorns famous for?

Unicorns are famous for their ability in magic and for their horn.

What rhymes with unicorns?

Horn, Scorn, Worn, Born, Torn, Sworn, Mourn, Corn, Shorn, Warn

How long can unicorns horns be?

the unicorns horn is 12 inches long

What is in a unicorns head?

They only exist in our imagination. In fairy tales and mythology, a unicorn's head is described as horse-like with a pointed horn growing from the forehead.

How many different types of unicorns are there?

The are four the basic white unicorn, the pegacorn ( Pegasus Unicorn combo ), A nubby-corn (a unicorn with a short horn) and a rainacorn with is a rainbow unicorn (seen on adventure time.) Those are the four basic unicorns.

The unicorns horn was able to counteract what evil substance?

any evil subject at all, and i think the unicorns can live for a week w/ out its horn before it dies and the horn loses its powers

The number of corns on a unicorn?

Well there are many different types of Unicorns. But yes, there are unicorns that are made of cheese. You can find these unicorns late at night, I'd say around 3am, in your backyard. BUT in order to see them, you need to take 2 string cheeses and put them up your nose. If you still don't see the Cheese Unicorns after its 3am and you have the string cheese up your nostrils, you need to take another string cheese and put them in your ears. Then you should see them ! Happy Unicorn Searching and remember don't do drugs.