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Yes awesome pets they are very friendly and live up to ten years I have 2 weiner dogs but they do get back problems.

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yes,but it depends what your allergic to

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Q: Is a weiner dog a good pet for some one with asthma and allergies?
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Can you list some books about asthma?

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What are some good brands of teddy bears for children with asthma?

There is a brand called Kids Preferred that offers teddy bears that are designed for kids with asthma and allergies. It's called Healthy Baby on Amazon.

Is Advair an antihistamine?

No. It contains two drugs, one of which reduces inflammation, and the other opens up the airways in the lungs. It's for treating asthma. Antihistamines do reduce inflammation caused by allergies but the inflammation caused by asthma isn't connected with allergies, so Advair cannot be used instead of antihistamines. Some patients have asthma and allergies, but each condition should be treated with the appropriate medication.

What causes asthma or how is it spread?

In fact, there is no exact cause of asthma but some factors can partly contribute to this condition such as respiratory infection, allergies and sulfites from foods or even air pollution.

Can allergies lead to asthma?

Some studies have shown that people with asthma are more likely to suffer panic attacks. Having asthma was linked to a 4.5-fold increase in the risk of developing panic disorder, a condition characterized by repeated, unexplained panic attacks. And people with panic disorder were six times as likely as people without the anxiety condition to develop asthma over the 20 year follow-up period.The asthma link was much stronger among people who had panic disorder than in those who had infrequent panic attacks. Smokers and those with a family history of allergies were also at increased risk. Smoking is known to exacerbate both asthma and panic disorder."Asthma is a very frightening condition to have," says Mike Thomas, MD. "When you repeatedly have episodes where you are fighting for breath it is not a great leap to think that that might push you toward a formal anxiety disorder if you are vulnerable."

Are Jack Russell Terrier X good for people with asthma?

Most Asthma suffers are also diagnosed with allergies. If your Asthma is allergy related you should have been tested to find out the allergens you are sensitive to. Some common allergy related Asthma triggers are animal dander. If you are not sure what your trigger point/s are or have not been tested, it is best to speck to your doctor about this. If you have been tested for allergies and had a negative result to animal allergens, then there should be no problem in having a dog. There are Asthma-friendly stuffed dogs on the market if you are allergic to animal dander.

Where can one find information on sinus allergies?

A person can find information on sinus allergies from several different places. Some of these places include WebMD, Health and Yoga, and The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

What can helps allergy shortness of breath?

1. Yes, Shortness of breath is a common symptom of asthma, but in some cases, allergies can cause asthma-like symptoms. Exercise-induced asthma causes shortness of breath. 2. Allergies can trigger asthma symptoms, especially during physical activity. 3. Asthma is actually an allergic reaction when your lungs inflame and swell making it hard to breath. 4. Allergens can make our airways red, swollen, and filled with sticky mucus. So Allergies cause shortness of breath. 5. If you're unsure what are causes of shortness breath, consult with an allergist for your better cure.

Are white chrysanthemums good for those with asthma?

Chrysanthemums have pollen which may trigger an asthma attack in some people.

What is a good rated brand of air purification system?

The rating of an air purification system will depend on the purpose for which it is being purchased. For example, some systems may be best for allergies, dust or asthma. Some of the best brands overall are Alen, BlueAir, Austin Air and AllerAir.

What research has been done on betaine hydrochloride?

Some research suggests that individuals with a wide variety of chronic disorders, such as allergies, asthma , and gallstones , do not produce adequate amounts of stomach acid.

What are some forms of treatment for allergy related asthma?

Leukotriene modifier is a pill that controls antibodies during a allergic reaction. also you can get allergy shots to reduce the allergic reaction. how can i open my airways natualy i dont know