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It is very important to have a log to help you with your exercise program. The log can be kept in your exercise room. Also it is important to increase your body building fitness program gradually not to have sore muscles.

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Q: Is a workout log good for exercise so you don't over do it and still achieve your fitness goals?
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Where can I find the best home gyms?

Website dedicated to provide information about the best fitness and exercise equipment for home gyms. Find out what is the best for your fitness goals.

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Where can I find a good workout plan? has many workout plans that you could try. Your local gym or fitness center probably has a personal trainer on staff who can help you cater a program to meet your intended goals.

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This may be the ultimate piece of workout equipment. Jump ropes are inexpensive, small and portable and offer a scalable workout that can be easy or extremely challenging, depending upon your fitness level and goals. Jump ropes and very cheap about under 10 dollars

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