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Diet Soda is not more dangerous then Beer or and any other Alcohol soda can rip a whole in your stomach, but beer destroys the liver!!!! :D

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Yes. Alcohol is always dangerous.

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Q: Is alcohol more dangerous than deit coke?
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What's more dangerous soda or alcohol?

alcohol is more addictive and impairs judgement

Why is pure alcohol more dangerous than adulterated alcohol?

Pure alcohol is far more dangerous than adulterated alcohol because pure alcohol has one hundred percent alcohol in comparison to aldulterated alcohol which is less than 100 percent.

What is more dangerous alcohol or weed?

well it is a proven fact that weed is better than alcohol

How do you cure diarria?

the only cure for diarria is more fiber in your deit or medications

What are the effects of alcohol on cocaine methadone and benzodiazepines?

alcohol ,benzos,and methadone are all downers and then you got the coke it a upper so you Will have more of a drunk feeling til you do the coke and you will be on an upper until it wheres of in which you need to take no and i mean no more methadone and quit drinking and put the coke down if in an hour your still wound up take one benzo and sleep it off .

Is it dangerous to drink alcohol daily? cause many problem to your helth.It is not dangerous to drink alcohol in moderation. To the contrary, it contributes to better health and greater longevity than abstaining from alcohol. However, the abuse of alcohol is dangerous and raises the risk of accidents, ill health, etc.Read more: Why_is_it_dangerous_to_drink_alcohol

Is toxic more dangerous or is poison more dangerous?

In the English language grammatically, 'poison' is more dangerous, because its effects are instantaneous' 'Toxic' is a much slower acting chemical, such as alcohol. (intoxication/ drunk)

Does 0 Clarissa mean deit?

It is not clear what "0 Clarissa" refers to. Without more context, it is difficult to determine if it is related to diet or has any specific meaning.

Does Diet Coke have the same amount of caffeine in it as Coke zero?

Probably not; diet coke is much healthier than coke. diet coke is actually not better than normal coke as the acids in diet coke make you want more sugar and makes you want more sugar and food so it makes you binge out on mainly sugar filled foods. so if you are dieting i would recommend you drink neither.

Why does a diet coke float and a coke sinks?

Because a regular coke is more dense and has more sugar. A diet coke has more sugar

What is better for you pop or deit pop?

It depends very much on the pops you are comparing. If you need pop stick with ginger ale or cranberry ginger ale, which is the healthiest pop because of the natural ingridients in it and the low amount of calories. But between coke and diet coke. Stick with the coke. Regular Coke may have more calories and sugar, but you can just burn the fat caused by it. Diet coke contains so many chemicals used to make it taste better, which can cause huge damage to your liver and intestines if drank too often, something that can't be fixed by going to the gym.

Directions jack and coke mixed drink?

there aren't directions on how to make a Jack and Coke mixed drink. It all depends on how strong you like your alcohol. if you like it strong, put more Jack Daniels in the glass.