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Q: Is alkalin earth metals metalliods or nonmetals?
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Is alkaline earth metal in the group of metals nonmetals metalloids or diatomic molecule?

The alkaline earth metals are metals!

What kind of elements form ionic bonds with nonmetals?

Metals. The two most reactive groups of metals that readily form these bonds with nonmetals are the alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals. Groups 1A and 2A.

What are the three classes of group A elements?

Alkali, alkaline earth metals, and nonmetals.

What is the most active group of nonmetals noble gases alkali metals halogens alkaline earth?

The most active metals are alkali metals.The most active nonmetals are halogens.

Why non metals found in more compounds than metals?

Even though there are about five times more elements that are metals than nonmetals, there are more nonmetals than metals found in compounds. Nonmetals form many more compounds than metals because living organisms are composed almost entirely of nonmetals. There are more than 8.7 billion living organisms on Earth.

What term describes the reactive nonmetals that have seven valence electrons?

alkali earth metals

Are the elements ba and ca metals or nonmetals?

Barium (Ba) and calcium (Ca) are both metals, belonging to alkaline earth metals or group 2.

Who has the most active group of nonmetals noble gases alkaline earth halogens alkali metals?


What are the chemical families on the periodic table?

Well, several are, and from left to right. Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals. Transition metals. Metaloids. Nonmetals. Halogens. Nobel gasses.

What are the groups 1 2 13 18?

Most of the materials that make up the earth are nonmetals?

false, most of the materials are metals. Non-metals are usually gases like hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. There are many more metals.

What are the 4 main categories of elements found on the periodic table?

- The Group 1A elements are called alkali metals. - The Group 2A elements are called alkaline earth metals. - The nonmetals of Group 7A are called halogens. - The Group 8A elements are called the Noble Gases