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Only an excess of fat is bad. You do need some fat; it's an essential part of the body. The heart, for just one example, is encased in a sheath of fat.

An excess of fat is bad because it often accompanies arteriosclerosis, and sometimes Diabetes, liver inflammation, and other problems.

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13y ago

body fat is only unhealthy when you have too much. If you have too little you may be at risk of death

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How do you explain the what is unhealthy food?

Unhealthy food,is food that is full of fat or preservatives, it does not provide the body with energy.

Does your body eat muscle fat or body fat?

If you aren't eating, your body will eat the muscle fat before it eats the body fat. Don't try to not eat for the purpose of losing weight. You won't lose the body fat, and you will become very unhealthy.

Why do we need to eat healthy?

Because unhealthy eating will have unhealthy effects on the human body. Unhealthy effects are unhealthy.

What are some unhealthy symptoms of excess body fat?

The most obvious symptom of excessive body fat is that you will look fat. If you want to check whether your body weight is unhealthy, then refer to the BMI (Body mass index) which compares your height, age and weight. Or see a doctor. They'll usually give you an honest answer.

Does the fashion world promote an unhealthy body image?

No, rich fat people do.

Can Webkinz get fat?

No. Webkinz can not get fat. Feed them all the junk food you want and all that will happen is that they will get unhealthy.

What's the highest percentage of body fat an adult can have and still be healthy?

For a woman to be considered fit she should have between 21���24% body fat. If a woman's body fat level gets up around 31% she would be considered unhealthy or obese. A man would be considered fit if his body fat was around 14���17%. At around 24, 25 % body fat a man would be considered obese or unhealthy.

What is meant by the term obese?

Having an abnormally high, unhealthy amount of body fat.

What can happened when little fat is eaten?

If the fat intake in body gets low to the desired limit, person go unhealthy.

What can chocolate do?

Make you fat. And unhealthy if you eat it all the time

Is 17 percent body fat unhealthy for a guy and will your rolls even out as you grow i am 15?


What is fat cholesterol?

It is unhealthy cholesterol that makes you fat.