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Q: Is all citizens that can vote on each law or policy a direct or representative democracy?
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What is a direct democracy about?

Direct democracy allows citizens to make policy decisions through a majority vote. In contrast, representative democracies allow citizens to elect representatives to make policy decisions for them.

What is the main way a representative democracy differs from a direct democracy?

In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf, while in a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision-making processes, such as through voting on laws and policies themselves. Representative democracies often have a system of elected officials who represent the people's interests, compared to direct democracies where citizens have a more immediate role in governance.

Which part of the democrary allows all citizens to vote on each law or policy?

Direct and representative democracy

How are direct democracy and representative democracy different?

direct democracy is each person's decision directly affects the outcome of a vote. Representative democracy is the citizens elect officials to represent them in the government. These elected officials then meet to make the country's laws and to enforce them.

What are the two types of democracy?

Direct and indirect democracy. There is Direct democracy, which is also called a pure democracy, that exists where the will of the people is translated into public policy (law) directly by the people themselves, in mass meetings. There is also Inderect democracy where a representative is chosen to represent a larger group of people. These select few represent the popular will of the people. ( This is the type of Democracy the US uses)

How do you use presidential democracy in a sentence?

considering that a presidential democracy is when the power is held by an elected president you can use it like.... the citizens voted for the president because their government was a presidential democracy.

What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?

In a direct democracy, all eligible citizens gather together to discuss policy and make the laws. Every decision is made by the body of all eligible citizens. In a representative democracy, eligible citizens select individuals to represent them a central location and make government decisions in their interest. The United States is a representative democracy with members of Congress being selected by vote of various groups of people. The Congress gathers and makes the laws. If the United States were to become a direct democracy, the Congress would be abolished and every eligible voter would be asked to vote on every proposed law, approve appointment to office, etc. Some of the ancient Greek city-states (most notably, Athens) were direct democracies, but with the body of eligible voters severely limited to males of a certain age and status.

How did direct democracy work in ancient Athens?

Yes, ancient Athens was an example of a direct democracy. Citizens voted on all issues of public policy.

What is a direct democaracy?

A direct democracy is a form of government in which citizens participate directly in decision-making processes, rather than through elected representatives. This can involve voting on specific policy issues or laws through referendums or other mechanisms, instead of relying on representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy and how are they alike?

In a direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making by voting on laws and policies. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. Both systems aim to reflect the will of the people, but direct democracy involves more direct involvement from citizens in decision-making compared to representative democracy.

What is direct democracy?

Direct democracy is where the citizens directly influence the decisions of the government.This is compared to indirect democracy (which is what the US has) where the people elect representatives who represent their interests in the decisions of goverment.Direct democracy is a form of democracy. This form is people decide policy initiatives directly.

What is direct democracy's?

Direct democracy is where the citizens directly influence the decisions of the government.This is compared to indirect democracy (which is what the US has) where the people elect representatives who represent their interests in the decisions of goverment.Direct democracy is a form of democracy. This form is people decide policy initiatives directly.