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This question is unanswerable because anything that sublimes won't ever melt.

Because sublime = the change from solid to gas, while at no point becoming a liquid.

and melting = the process of heating a solid substance to a liquid

I would beg to differ. Sublimation depends on other variables as well, i.e. pressure. (lower pressure)

Water is a substance that sublimates and melts. It's sublimation point is actually lower than it's melting point (if it were higher the substance would be in it's transition state... defeating the purpose)

I don't know nearly enough to tell you anything else, except that in a single substance, it is more likely that the sublimation point is lower.

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2w ago

Not always. Sublimation point can be higher or lower than melting point depending on the substance. Sublimation occurs when a solid changes directly into a gas without going through the liquid phase, so the sublimation point can be different from the melting point.

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13y ago

the sublimation point in such things there are 5 in each sublimation point.

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Where sublimation is used?

Sublimation is used in the process of converting a solid directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. It is commonly used in the production of freeze-dried foods, in the purification of substances such as iodine, and in the creation of air fresheners and deodorizers.

Examples of changing a solid into a gas?

One common example is sublimation, where a solid directly turns into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. Dry ice, which is solid carbon dioxide, sublimes when exposed to room temperature. Another example is evaporation, where a solid like camphor can slowly change into a gas due to heat and air movement.

What melting point do you reach to become a liquid?

Each substance has a specific melting point (excepting cases of sublimation or thermal degradation).

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CaO has a higher melting point.

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Argon has a higher melting point than Neon. Neon melts at -248.6 degrees Celsius, whereas Argon melts at -189.4 degrees Celsius.

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When a solid is heated without melting, its particles vibrate more rapidly due to increased thermal energy. This causes the solid to expand slightly and its temperature to rise. If the heating continues, the solid will eventually reach its melting point and transition into a liquid state.

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The boiling point is always higher than the melting point.

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Iron has a higher melting point than granite. Iron has a melting point of around 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit (1,538 degrees Celsius), whereas granite melts at temperatures typically around 2,120 degrees Fahrenheit (1,160 degrees Celsius).

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yes, for the same molecule. However, some substances don't have a liquid phase and so the melting point is exactly the same as the boiling point at normal pressures (sublimation is the phase change from solid -> gas)

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Solids turn into liquids at their melting point.

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The phase change from a gas directly to a solid is called deposition. This occurs when a gas loses enough energy to transition into a solid state without passing through the liquid phase.

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Ionic substances generally have higher melting points compared to covalent substances. This is because ionic bonds are stronger and involve the attraction between oppositely charged ions, requiring more energy to break compared to the sharing of electrons in covalent bonds.