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Q: Is an e-coli infection in a dogs ears be contagious to humans?
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Is an upper respiratory infection contagious to other dogs?

Yes, although I don't believe the strains are similar or contagious between humans, cats, dogs. In other words, the strain dogs get can only be spread to other dogs (commonly known as kennel cough), the strain cats get can only be spread to other cats and the strain humans get is also known as the common head cold.

Are ear mites contagious?

No a dog can't get a ar infection from a human. Humans can't catch ear infections from other humans either because ear infections are from yeast. Yeast forms when you have a moist warm environment so basily dogs ears. Yeast is like a bacteria of fungi.

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Can a person get a staph infection from a dog scratch IF they can is the staph infection contagious?

They are highly infections, not just to dogs, but to humans as well.

Is coughing contagious?

Yes, it is contagious with dogs but not to humans, and usually not to other pets.

After treatment has been started for ringworm on dogs is the ringworm still infectious?

"Ringworm" is a fungus infection; it is not a worm. The type of fungus infection on the dog, may or may not be contagious to people. Odds are that it is contagious to people until it is 'cured'.

Why dont you answer my question about kennel cough being passed from dogs to humans?

NO & if it were kennel cough the vet would tell the owner. Kennel cough is highly contagious to other dogs (not humans) & vet would recommend in home quarantine until all antibiotics were finished & dog is rechecked. It sounds like a typical upper respiratory infection that is not passed to humans

Is ringworm contagious?

Despite the name, it is not a worm, but a fungal infection of the skin. Yes, it is contagious, and can be passed from dogs and cats to people. It is easily treated with an antifungal ointment applied to the skin.

Can dogs smell infection?

Dogs can detect odours that humans cannot, as dogs have the ability to detect odours at concentrations 100 million times lower than humans. Infections have a characteristic smell, so yes, dogs can smell infection.

How do you treat a puppy that has worms in feces and are they contagious to other dogs or humans?

Anything in an animal's feces has the potential to be contagious. Consult dog's veterinarian and they can give you some medication for your puppy.