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yes it can it hurts terribley and you have a bump behind your ear

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Q: Is an infection in your ear canal deadly?
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Are ear mites deadly?

Ear mites are not deadly by themselves. However, they can cause an infection in your pets that could be deadly if left untreated.

What are the causes of ear clogs?

Wax, water, infection, narrowing of the ear canal.

What is the medical term meaning an infection of the external auditory canal?

Otitis externa is the medical term for an infection of the external auditory canal, also known as swimmer's ear. Symptoms can include pain, itching, and redness of the ear canal. Treatment typically involves antibiotic ear drops.

Otitis externa is an infection of the ear canal named for participants in a sport What is it called?

Swimmer's ear

The common name for otomycosis is?

It is commonly known as Singapore ear. It is a fungal infection of the outer ear canal.

How can people go deaf?

The bursting of the eardrum, or swelling of the ear canal. These can be caused by infection within the ear canal, overexposure to loud sounds, or sustaining impact directly to the outer ear.

Do you get more ear infections if going swimming?

You could get swimmers ear from swimming underwater too much. I use to get ear infections from swimming in clean and dirty pools. But, i never got swimmers ear. So the answer is yes, you could.

How is ear wax is formed?

Ear wax is a normal product of the ear which protects the skin of the ear from water and infection. Ear wax is formed from wax glands in the external ear canal as well as other components such as dead skin, sweat, and oil.

Can you use peroxide in drops to clean ear canal?

yes, it is safe to use peroxide. but in my opinion i wouldn't use it if you have an ear infection.

What can happen to your ear canal?

Disorders affecting the ear canal include blockages, infections and tumors. Blockage of the ear canal can be caused by ear wax (cerumen). The effects can range from itching to loss of hearing but often produces no symptoms. Other blockages can be caused by objects inserted itno the ear, especially by children. Insects can also occasionally crawl in. External otitis is an infection of the ear canal. This is usually caused by a variety of bacteria. Tumors of the ear canal can be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). See

What does the ear canal do for an ear?

The ear needs the ear canal to send everything that it hears to the brain.

What collects sounds and funnels it into the ear canal?

the correct answer is : ear canal or you could just write canal if you are doing a sheet/ homework sheet called: 8LD(4) Ear diagram- then write ear canal, if not then choose between; ear canal and canal