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No, an object not moving relative to Earth is not a blue shifted object. With no relative motion, an object will not be subject to Doppler effect and will not red or blue shift. For an object to be blue shifted, the distance between the object and Earth must be decreasing. The object must be closing on Earth or vice versa.

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Q: Is an object that is not moving relative to Earth a blue shift?
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Does a red shift means that are moving closer to earth?

No. A red shift indicates that the object is moving away from the earth.

What does red shift show?

The red shift shows the velocity with which an object is moving away from the earth. The red shift of an object is correlated to its distance from the earth and so it is also a measure of the distance.

When the wavelength of a spectral line emitted from an object increases which end of the visible light spectrum does not move toward and what is the objects motion relative to earth?

Increasing wavelength is an indication of a Doppler shift caused by an object moving away from the viewer. Longer wavelengths (of the visible spectrum) are redder, shorter wavelengths are bluer. Objects moving away from you have a red shift, objects moving toward you have a blue shift.

Would a light source moving away from Earth appear blue shifted or red shifted?

A red shift indicates an object that is moving away from the observer, and a blue shift indicates an object that is moving toward the observer. Both of these are called Doppler shifts.

Does a red shift indicates that objects are moving toward earth?

Red shift occurs when an object moves away from the observer. So as you are on Earth, it is when objects move away from Earth. (Blue shift as it moves closer.) A star's red shift could be due to losing energy to gravity.

How can an object's red shift tell us how fast the object is moving away from earth?

The amount of reddening is directly proportional to the speed of the object away from the observer (if the object is moving tangentially, even at a high speed, no red shift will be noticeable. Follow the link below for a bit more information on the mathematics and measurements of red shifts.

A red shift in the spectrum of the light from an object indicates the object is moving where?

away from the observer.

Why is there no Doppler shift when a star is moving tangentially?

Because there is only a shift if the object's distance is changing.

Explain why some stars in the milky way galaxy have a blue shift Doppler effect and other stars in the milky way have a red shift Doppler?

A blue-shift means an object is moving towards us, a red-shift means it is moving away from us. Blue-shift and red-shift are changes in frequency of the light we receive, due to the relative movement. This is called the Doppler effect.

What type of shift in the spectrum would you expect from a star that was moving in the same direction as earth at the same speed of earth?

You would expect no shift in its spectrum. Any shift one way or the other is the result ofmotion either toward or away from Earth. Motion parallel to ours or across our line of sighthas no effect on the observed spectrum of the object.

When does redshift occur?

Red shift occurs when an object is moving away from the observer.

Stars moving away from the earth show a red shift Why?

The star is moving away from us. Therefore, the Doppler effect must be considered. The Doppler effect is waves (in this case light) will be compressed in front of a moving object and stretched behind the object. This stretching creates a long wavelength. Red light has a long wavelength (the longest of visible light), so we call this stretching red shift.