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Q: Is an ocean engineer and a marine engineer the same thing?
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Related questions

Are marine engineers the same as a marine biologist?

No they are not the same thing a Marine biologist studies the animals and plants in the ocean while a Marine engineer fixes things in the water.

Is marine water like ocean water?

They are the same thing.

Is marine ecology and marine biology the same?

No. In marine biology you study living things in the ocean, whereas in oceanography you study the ocean as a whole.

What kind scientist studies the ocean?

oceanographers DarkFoxy: and marine biologists or is that the same thing.... well either way its another term

What kind of scientist studies the ocean?

oceanographers DarkFoxy: and marine biologists or is that the same thing.... well either way its another term

What is the sea like?

The sea is the same thing as the ocean. It is the biggest body of water, and is salt water. Many species of marine life live in it.

Ocean circulation patterns and the marine food chain?

the relationship between ocean circulation patterns and the marine food chain is they have almost the same conditions

Words that mean the same thing as builders?

Maybe engineer? :)

What does a marine ranger do?

The same thing a Marine does. The Marine does not field any Ranger units, but they do send personnel to Ranger school.

Are deep ocean and deep ocean basin the same thing?


What is difference between engineering and design?

The difference between the desgineer and engineer is the math. They both do the same thing except the engineer does the math.

Is a marine biologist and an ocenaographer the same?

No, a marine biologist usually analyzes marine life and animals; whereas, an oceanographer studies the layout of the ocean, such as underwater ridges, underwater volcanoes, etc.