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Eating human placenta contributes to cannibalism, therefore no, it's NOT halal

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Q: Is animal placenta halal to eat?
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Is gunea pig halal?

halal is when the muslims pray and then kill the animal to eat it.

Why dom Muslims eat hala?

You mean why do Muslims eat halal meat. There is a very simple reason for that. Eating halal means eating an animal that has gone to heaven. To make something halal, you have to pray before killing the animal. This satisfies people that they are not unfair towards animals. Hope that helps.

Why fish become halal what's the history of fish in Islam?

Fish is the animal of the sea. It's halal because it isn't a 'wild' animal and it doesn't eat trash like a pig.

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In the Muslim culture, Halal Meat in general is special meat that some Muslims can only eat. When they kill the animal, they perform a special prayer for Islam, making it Halal meat.

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anything that does not contain non-halal animal fats and alcohol is halal

Is crab haram?

All seafood are halal. Crabs are in the sea. right? so it's halal, even sharks and octupuses are halal. So go ahead and eat. !! On land, whatever animal has splits in their claws (except for the locus, a type of grasshopper) is haram to eat. So you can't eat a pig or a cat or a lion.

Do people who only eat halal meat eat chicken and beef?

"Halal" is a method of slaughter - one has to a say prayer thanking God before you slit the neck of the animal and as much blood as possible has to flow out of the animal. In fact the animal takes several minutes to die and during that time the struggles of the animal forces the blood out. This contrasts the "jutkka" method of slaughter which the followers of "Sikhism" use and this requires one clean cut when slaughtering and the animal should not suffer. So to answer your question directly people of that particular religion can eat chicken or beef as long as the animal is slaughtered according to the "halal" method.

Is it halal to eat refrigerated chickens?

Yes it is halal.

What is halal to drink but haram to eat in Islam?

To drink (control) anger is halal but to eat it is haram.

What is the thing if you eat that it will be haraam but if you drink that it will be halal?

their is noting that can be harame when you eat it if it is halal when you drink it or if it is haram to eat it it is haram to drink it to

What is the shape of the placenta of a dissected animal?

The shape of the placenta of a dissected animal depends on how the dissection has been done. In most cases the shape of the placenta is usually concave in shape.

What foods can Muslims eat?

Muslims eat food that is called Halal. Halal meat is any meat but pork. When you buy meat from a Halal shop, you know that before the animal was slaughtered, the slaughterers graced the animal in the name Allah. The drink that Muslims cannot drink is any form of alcohol.The Qu'ran says that Muslims shouldent eat pork or drink alcahol.They shouldent gamble because its not good for their health. They can eat fruit and veg.