

What foods can Muslims eat?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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9y ago

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Muslims eat food that is called Halal. Halal meat is any meat but pork. When you buy meat from a Halal shop, you know that before the animal was slaughtered, the slaughterers graced the animal in the name Allah. The drink that Muslims cannot drink is any form of alcohol.

The Qu'ran says that Muslims shouldent eat pork or drink alcahol.They shouldent gamble because its not good for their health. They can eat fruit and veg.
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Many People think we Muslims are limited to what we eat . The form of food we eat is Halal (meaning Permitted by God) this is a procedure in which animals deemed as Halal are slaughtered by a Muslim and in a humane way ensuring it is free of blood. The animals we can eat are Chicken ,Goat, LAmb, Beef and any other animal so long as it is clean , an example of a meat we can not eat is Pork , pork is Haram (forbidden) this si simply because they are unclean animals and eat animal bi products and live in there own filth, there is one exception for a Muslim to eat pork and that is if it is all they have or can afford. i hope this answers your question , God Bless you

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no i don't think so ,my sister is married to a sunni Muslim and he eats wat my family eat,even if he did eat particuliar food i don't see a prpblem with that,there the same as you and me ,and i like there kind of food too .

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Yes. refer to question below for more information.

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Muslims don't eat pork or geleton. Muslims eat healthy. Muslims don't argue over food.Answerthe rule is that what is not forbidden is allowed.see related question, listed below, for more information about what forbidden food to eat in Islam.

Why Muslims don't eat that kind of food?

besause hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h said that these foods are haram

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