

Is animal testing killing animals all over the world?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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It depends on what is being tested on the animal and how. If medicine/drugs are being tested on an animal, then the animal might die/suffer. The same goes with some food products.

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Q: Is animal testing killing animals all over the world?
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What is the purpose of animal testing?

Many animals are dieing and that is were animal testing the animals comes in for good purpose. The purpose of improving human life instead of sacrificing a human you give up an animal. There are so many animals in the world and animals are still producing more. Think about it "It's you or the animal."

How many people think it is unfair to test on animal?

there are people all over the world who think animal testing is unfair animals are just like humans there are people all over the world who think animal testing is unfair animals are just like humans

Who uses animal testing?

almost all countries test on animals,more then 130 companies in the world test on animal

Should animal testing be continued or stopped?

ANIMAL TESTING SHOULD BE STOPPED.... Especially if you are an animal lover. Animals are tested everyday for stuff that we use daily. A majority of these animals are killed in the process. If you think that going and testing something on something that you cared about and it killed them how would you feel.... These animals are living breathing things and why should people destroy the so we can see a new (ex.) of eyeshadow or perfume that is a scent already out in the world that is not tested on animals. Think about your pet for example dying. How would you feel?? That s what animal testing does.

Is there animal testing in Australia?

Yes, animal testing is around the whole world !

How many people protest against animal testing?

This question is not known. People all over the world try and protect animal testing. Some people believe that it is right to test animals for our benefit.

What is the difference between animal testing and third world debt?

the differance is that animal testing is about testing animals on medicines and products. but the Third World Debt is about the loans that a country gets from other countires. For example some countries which are in the third world debt are Bolivia, Somalia, Aghanistan, Cameroon, Ghana, Zambia and many,many more.

What did anita roddick do to stand up for animal testing?

Anita Roddick was against animal testing because she thought it was wrong to test things on animals, because if the products are dangerous they could kill the animals, and animals were put on this world for a purpose and they are living creatures just like us. By Sasha Mills x

Is animal abuse a global problem?

Yes, animal abuse is a global problem. Unfortunately, people all over the world abuse animals. There are 100 million animals alone that are used for laboratory testing worldwide.

How many animals died last year from animal testing?

About 22 animals die every second in testing labs around the world each second. So 22 x 32,536,000(seconds in a calendar year) = 693,792,000 animals die every year.

Which living thing is there most of in the world?

actually in there are more humans than any kind of animal because were destroying the animal territory or killing the animals they are 6,888,888,888 people alive today

Why animal testing should be done?

I am HIGHLY against animal testing but as all thing there are pro's and con's...... If people tested shampoo on humans and it was poisonous then that person might die. If an animal tested shampoo then that a loss, but there are LOADS of different types/breeds of animals and it wont affect the world that bad.