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Yes they do still host lobbies. I personally host some. My xbox live got banned (12/31/9999) so i can't host online. I can host by system link which requires me to have your windows live id and password. Must people wont give this info away. But if you are interested i will do 2 account for a 1 month xbl membership so i can get back on my feet. I honestly dont want your account because i know what it is like not to have an active account so feel free to change password and ect. if you dont trust me. I can provide proof i own a JTAG (Xenon).

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Q: Is anyone still host modded lobbies on MW2 for xbox 360?
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How do people host modded lobbies such as 10th and other infections on MW2?

They host they modded lobbies with a diffrent xbox called a jtag. It is an that can run homebrwed unsigned code. Basically it is a hacked xbox 360 which gives you full control over your xbox. You can then mod games like MW2 and Halo.

Can anyone host a modded black ops lobby?

No, You cant even Play on xbox live with a modded xbox 360 or modded game

What is the website that you can find hacked lobbies on?

i know there are websites like ttg who have peaple who host lobbies

Could you get banned for doing the tenth prestige hack?

Not banned for getting into a 10th lobby, they'll just derank you. But if you host hacked or modded lobbies, then yes, because it's against policies to tamper with the games, especially online.

Is Call of Duty still do challenge lobbies?

hey, id just like you to know if you are on ps3 the last person is WRONG they still do challenge lobbies they just very hard to get into now i used to host them, i should know, and another thing on xbox they still do call of duty 4, 5 and 6 and even 7 challenge lobbies but are extremely hard to get into, i host them on xbox on cod 4 and cod 5 thanks iDaz

How do you leak zombies on cod 6?

The answer: You can't. There are, however, some crazy people who host modded "zombie infection" lobbies. Search that up on YouTube and sometimes they will give you information to join a match, although some will cost money to join.

How do you get into modern warfare 2 mod?

You have to get invited by a co-host or a host that hosts challenge lobbies

How do you host 10th prestige lobbies on Modern Warfare 2?

You need a JTAG.

Can you host challenge lobbies with 1 ps3?

Yes you can but it would be better with 2

Can you host 10th prestige lobbies in Modern Warfare 2 anymore?

No patched

Are there any free 10th prestige lobbies for xbox360?

These lobbies are hacking and cause many problems. They are not offered for free because the host of the lobby spends a lot of money to host the lobby and protect themselves. It is also an easy way to get your gamertag hacked, stolen, and sold to someone else. AVOID HACKING AT ALL COSTS!

How do you host slow motion lobby on mw2?

Its a viral :D So basically join a game a private match with slow mo on and then host ur own modded match :)