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Q: Is batman killing the joker cannon or the joker being died cannon?
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What happen in the end of Batman the killing joke?

either batman killed joker by snapping his neck, or they both laughed historically at the joke joker made.

Why does Batman beat up Joker in Batman series?

Because he wants to protect Gotham. The Joker relationship with batman presents an opportunity to examine the internal struggle between being a lawless vigiliante and being a defender of the law. The Joker on the other hand is a violent psychopath who uses the clown personnae to cause terror, death and mayhem. When Batman is seen beating up Joker, you begin to ask yourself "how far will he go?" Will he go too far and kill the Joker? If he does kill the Joker what does that make Batman, a criminal murderer himself? But he rarely (generally only in the really early comics), shown as killing criminals. Perhaps roughing up the joker is the writers way of showing that the Joker can take him to the "edge" but he retains his ability of self control.

What happened in the end of the killing joke?

either batman killed joker by snapping his neck, or they both laughed historically at the joke joker made.

Is joker the joker from Batman?

No, the Joker from Batman is a fictional (non real) character.

What is the name of the Batman with joker?

When the Joker meets Batman the Joker calls him my dear Darknight.

Who is better, Joker or Batman?

Batman always wins against the Joker.

Is joker ( in batman and joker)a female?

Joker is most commonly portrayed as a male, but he is portrayed as a woman in Batman Thrillkill as Bianca Steeplechase and Batman Flashpoint as Martha Wayne

Who played the joker in batman movies?

The Joker character was not in 'Batman Returns', but he was in the 1989 version 'Batman' played by Jack Nicholson.

Is Batman stonger than the joker?

It depends... Sometimes the Joker is completely helpless and is weak but in other cases he is has equal strength to Batman or sometimes even more! In the end: You'd have to go by the majority of times Joker's beaten Batman in a fight.

What episode of the Batman does The Joker act like batman?

In "The Batman" animated TV show, Joker disguises himself as Batman in the "The Laughing Bat" episode.

Who would win in Batman 1989 joker or Batman?


Who was Joker In The Movie Batman?

In the movie Batman (the dark knight) Heath Ledger played as the joker.