

Is beans a fruit

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Possibly trees.

Yes, a bean is, at least, of my knowledge, a fruit.

cool-beans! that's a phrase.....

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12y ago

yes.... it is because it is a seed..

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Beans Is not of thoes. They is légume's __________________________________ I'm sure beans are a type of nut.

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I have never heard of beans being fruit. they are a vegetable.ans2. The beans of which Baked Beans are made are technically fruit, as they are the seeding process derived from a flower.They are a 'dehiscent fruit' in that their pod splits open to release the seed (the beans).In common use, they are considered a vegetable (as distinct from a fruit), as are tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin and so on. This arbitrary commonplace division is hardly a scientific one, based as it is on table use. .

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