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No it is not natural and your age is irrelevant.

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Chiaroscuro Theatre

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7mo ago
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7mo ago

Sexual orientation, including being gay, is a natural variation of human sexuality. It is not dependent on age, as individuals can have a sense of their sexual orientation at any age. It's important to prioritize acceptance, understanding, and support for individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

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Chiaroscuro Theatre

Lvl 1
7mo ago
It is not natural. To understand why it is unnatural you only need to enter Chiaroscuro Theatre. Age has nothing to do with it. You will never understand my meaning unless you enter Chiaroscuro Theatre:
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Chiaroscuro Theatre

Lvl 1
7mo ago
It is not natural. To understand why it is unnatural you only need to enter Chiaroscuro Theatre. Age has nothing to do with it. You will never understand my meaning unless you enter Chiaroscuro Theatre:

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Wiki User

10y ago

Yes. It's not common for someone that young to realize it, but it is perfectly natural.

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Q: Is being gay at 11 natural?
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Is being gay a mistake?

No. A person cannot be born "a mistake." Being gay is natural and healthy.

Is being gay a disease you can catch?

No, you cannot catch being gay. It's a natural, unchangeable sexual orientation.

How can I solve my gay problem?

Being gay is not a problem. It's a natural sexual orientation.

Is there a cure for gay?

being gay is not a disease or sickness. it is a natural, healthy, sexual orientation. So the answer is no. There is no cure for gay.

How do you cure a teenage boy being gay?

Being gay is not an illness, so it has no cure. It is a natural, healthy, sexual orientation.

Are gay people wrong?

No. You can't be born wrong. Being gay is part of the natural world.

Is being gay immorality?

No. Immorality is about choice. Being gay is not a choice. In fact, being gay and seeking out love and relationships is also a natural, normal process, and a right that every person should have.

Can someone prevent being gay?

No. Sexual orientation is something that is fixed at an early age, possibly birth. Being gay is just as natural as being straight.

Is homosexuality Insolence?

No. It is a natural aspect of human sexuality. In fact, surveys routinely show that the majority of gay people had to "get used to" being gay, and did not want to be gay at first. Some never get used to it.No. It is a natural aspect of human sexuality.

Is is gay to be gay?

No, people are born gay and so do not choose to be gay. It would be gay to choose to be gay.

Is there any way to prevent from gay?

No. Sexual orientation is something that is fixed at an early age, possibly birth. Being gay is just as natural as being straight.

What happens if you have children that are gay?

Deal with it. being gay is natural and unchangeable. They're gonna be interested in people of the same sex.