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The most relevant quantity is the black hole's mass. Note that the black hole's diameter (the diameter of the event horizon, really) is directly proportional to its mass. The largest galactic black holes known seem to be around 20 billion solar masses. Check the Wikipedia "List of most massive black holes" for more details. Note that the mass of some of these black holes is not very well-known.

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Aylin Schulist

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No. An atom-sized black hole would have a difficult time adding any mass because of its tiny size, and would be more prone to "evaporating" due to Hawking Radiation effects.

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Where do Black Holes lead to in space?

They don't "lead" anywhere. Any mass that falls into the black hole stays in the black hole. There is a theory that, in the case of rotating black holes, matter may emerge elsewhere from a "white hole". It's an idea that remains controversial and highly speculative.

What is the difference between a Scchwarzschild and a Kerr black hole?

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

If something ges sucked into a black hole will it come out of the other end?

The current theory by Stephen Hawking is that black holes slowly "evaporate" over time; so if you are sucked into a black hole you are crushed to microscopic size and held in the black hole; and then billions of years later the elemental particles elements that were you are released back into space to be re-used for something else.

What would happen if you jumped into a Kerr black hole?

If you jumped into an "ordinary" Schwarzschild black hole, you would be crushed into a long line of particles, which means death by a black hole. If you jumped into a Kerr black hole, the same process may occur, but the only thing different is that a Kerr black hole spins, and a Schwarzschild black hole does not. That answer needs a bit more detail. Please use the "related link" below.

What object has such a strong surface gravity that light cannot escape?

A black hole

Related questions

What is the part of the atom that doesn't get sucked in to a black hole?

None. There is no part of an atom that would not get pulled into a black hole.

What are the two parts of the black hole?

The two parts of a black hole are the event horizon and the singularity. The event horizon is the "surface" of the black hole, and is imaginary. The event horizon's appearance is caused by the bending of light. The singularity is a point of space where everything that gets sucked in is crushed to about the size of an atom.

How many atoms are there in a black hole?

Basically none. No atom will survive the forces in a black hole. (However, all the mass that falls into the black hole will still be there.)

What does a black hole do with what it suck in?

The material sucked in to a black hole becomes part of the black hole - that is, a black hole crushes matter to an nearly no size, at all.

What happens when you smash an atom in a black hole?

When an atom is smashed in a black hole, its particles are torn apart due to the extreme gravitational forces. The subatomic particles are then absorbed into the black hole, adding to its mass and energy. The energy released during this process can contribute to the black hole's growth and power its intense gravitational pull.

What does the black hole say when an atom is smashed in it?

It says "floof!"

What happens after entering a black hole?

Any matter that enters the black hole will be destroyed. Also, it will increase the black hole's size.

Can a black hole get to the size of a planet?

A black hole can definitely get to the size of a planet. The width of the largest known supermassive black hole is thought to be over ten times the size of the entire orbit of Neptune around our Sun.

Is there a maximum size limit to a black hole?


Can 8 earth's fit in the black hole?

yes and no depends on size of hole :]

Where do Black Holes lead to in space?

They don't "lead" anywhere. Any mass that falls into the black hole stays in the black hole. There is a theory that, in the case of rotating black holes, matter may emerge elsewhere from a "white hole". It's an idea that remains controversial and highly speculative.

When they in the hole were they go?

If you are talking about a black hole, then you get squished into a ball smaller than an atom and keep going, or time can change.