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Q: Is black mamba fake weed detectable in urine?
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Where on your body can you attach urine for a drug test?

For a woman, I suggest buying the smallest container of synthetic urine especially. Woman can put a bottle of fake pee in their "safe" or vagina. It will keep ur fake urine exactly body temp. Never put fake urine into a different bottle than it was bought in. May cause contamination.

Can you use fake urine for a cheap drug test given by your parents?


How to fake an HPT?

Fake it to show positive or fake it to show negative? You cannot fake a hpt to show a positive unless you are pregnant. If you wish to show a negative when you are really pregnant, dip the stick in water (not urine) to make it seem wet, or maybe get a good friend to pee in a cup for you and dip the stick in her urine (in front of the person you are trying to fool).

Will you fail a drug test smoking fake weed?

No, I have passed urine and hair folical.

Why has your gum gone black above your fake tooth?

It is most likely the metal margin showing from the fake tooth (the white part of the fake tooth is not on the edge, so it looks black)

Will vinegar help pass a urine test?

I have heard rumors that vinegar does help, however, I have never actually met someone who has tried it. I would recommend purchasing a cleansing drink or fake urine from a local head shop. Fake urine is probably the easiest and best solution, assuming no one is actually watching you pee.

What to use for fake urine?

Use yellow food coloring and water, or just plain water.

Best way to mask a urine test?

You need to buy a fake penis. If your not a guy, then your screwed

How do you fake long term usage of Oxycontin and oxycodone in a urine test?

Just curious why would you want a urine test to say you have been using those medications for a long time? For one you cant fake it . Either you have been or not but there is no test that I know of that will say that.

How long do you keep hand warmer on fake urine for test?

Use hot water to bring urine to 98 degrees. Then simply use the handwarmer to keep it at that temp

Will synthetic urine pass a eCup drug test?

yes the only urine that can pass the newer test with uric acid screen Is fake it by it is as real as it gets

How do you fake digital pregnancy test to be positive?

Use the urine of a pregnant person (not your own) - BUT - why would you want to do this.