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Black is all the colors and white is the abscence of all colors

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Q: Is black or white the presence of all colors?
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Is black the presence of all color?

No, black absorbs all of the seven primary colors. White reflects it all, making the color white the presence of all colors.

Is black and white a shade or a color?

Yes and no. Black is the presence of all colors and white is the absence of all colors. If something appears black it is because the surface is reflecting all colors. If is appears white it is because it is absorbing all the colors. The whole black is a color thing has been going on for so many years, but in reality both black and white are because they both absorb all colors and is the presence of colors.

Is black the presense of all color?

No. White is the presence of all colors, black is the absence.

Why aren't black and white colours?

White is the presence of light of all colors. Black is the absence of light of any color.

What colors make white?

When we mix paints, white is the absence of any colors (tints), and black is essentially the result of mixing all colors together. With light, white light is the presence of all colors. When there is no color of light present, it is dark (black).

What is a better color black or white?

technically black and white aren't colors black is a lack of light and white is a light Strictly speaking black and white are not colors, exactly. Black is the absence of color and white is all the colors at the same time. Concerning aesthetics, however, and by extension metaphorical or figurative uses, as complementary opposites black and white are equally independent

What color does an object appear if all of the colors are reflected?

White is the presence of all color, black is the absence of color

How does the black appear black from a projector - seeing as black is not a colour?

Black appear black from a projector because the projector is not projecting any light at that spot.In the "colors of light", or light emissions system, black is the absence of color, while white is the presence of all colors.Contrast that with the "colors of paint", or light absorption system, where black is the presence of all colors and white is the absence of all colors.See discussion page for clarification.

Are black white and gray colors?

Let's deal with a complete question. What are black, white and gray? Black is the absence of all color. White is the presence of all colors in equal amounts. Gray is made up in many ways. Each primary color and its opposite, black and white, or the combination of primary or secondary colors can make variations of gray.

How can you get white light from red blue and green light?

white is the presence of all colors and black is the absence of all colors, so red, blue and green light mixed together make white, but the amounts have to be equal

Does green absorb heat?

Yes. All colors absorb heat. The darker they are the more they absorb. White almost nothing as it is the absence of all colors and the most is black, because it is the presence of all colors.

Is White and Black a color?

black and white are not colors but pigimentsblack is the presence of all color and white is the absence of all colorA2 ooops wrong way is the absence of any colour or light. White is the presence of all colours of light.