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No, seeing as the legal limit is 0.08 alcohol level.

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Q: Is blowing a 0.04 on a breathalyzer considered high levels?
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Can you fail a Breathalyzer if you have diabetes?

In diabetes there is improper metabolism that results in acetone. Acetone can confuse the Breathalyzer, since it give results as ethanol (alcohol).

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Triglyceride levels ranging from 400-1000 mg/dL are considered high and levels greater than 1000 mg/ dL are considered very high.

What is a high triglyceride level?

Triglyceride levels ranging from 400-1000 mg/dL are considered high and levels greater than 1000 mg/ dL are considered very high.

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Triglycerides are fat particles in your bloodstream that can be very harmful to your health. Levels above 200 mg/dL are considered to high and levels below 150 are considered normal.

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Can high blood pressure cause you to fail a police breathalyzer test?

no. just a myth

if you can prove you have high levels of ketosis and are a type 1 diabetic and the breathalyzer fails will you be charged?

Most likely, yes. First off, the police aren't equipped to verify your medical records. Secondly, even if they were, they aren't going to litigate at the scene. They'll just write you a citation and let lawyers and judges sort it out. Lastly, they wouldn't be having your take the breathalyzer if they didn't already have probable cause, so the breathalyzer itself is not going to be the sole evidence being used in the citation.

What are the different types of triglycerides levels?

Normal triglyceride levels are considered to be anything below 150mg/dL. This is considered low risk. Slightly above normal is considered 151-199, some risk is considered 200-499, and high risk is anything above 500mg/dL.