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Triglycerides are fat particles in your bloodstream that can be very harmful to your health. Levels above 200 mg/dL are considered to high and levels below 150 are considered normal.

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Q: What is too high for triglycerides and what are tryiglycerides?
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What does it mean to have high triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a kind of fat found in your blood, that your body uses for energy. You need triglycerides to be healthy, but having too much can cause Heart disease. High triglycerides generally doesn't have symptoms, but if it is caused by a genetic condition, you may see xanthomases.

What kind of diets are there that help with triglycerides levels?

Well, triglycerides are a type of sugar. You usually can get really high triglyceride levels if you intake too much sugars. Like, if you eat lots of white rice, you can have really high levels of triglycerides.

Foods that cause high triglycerides?

Alcohol elevates triglycerides. Elevated triglycerides can also be a symptom of the metabolic syndrome. There isn´t an association between high triglycerides and any particular food. Fast carbohydrates and saturaded fat combined to overweight, physical inactivity and age can lead to elevated triglyserides and/or metabolic syndrome. Additional information:

What exactly is the range for high triglycerides?

The range for high triglycerides is 200-499. Borderline-high triglycerides can be anywhere from 150 to 199, so your 'severity' depends on how far you are into that bracket.

What are some triglycerides diets?

For some facts about a high triglycerides diet, try They have some facts and information about a high triglycerides diet.

Triglycerides, what do they do?

Triglycerides transport fat around the body and are an important part of a persons metabolism. They are good for a persons health as long as the levels do not become too high when they begin to put that person at risk of getting diabetes.

What foods are high in triglycerides but tasty also?

This website should help, it lists good tasting food but still high in triglycerides Good luck with everything

Why are high triglycerides levels a bad thing?

High triglycerides are bad because they increase the risk of heart disease. Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in fats and are the part of fats that are harmful to your body

What is Tricor?

Tricor is a brand of drug fenofibrate which is used to treat high cholesterol (and especially high triglycerides).

What is the treatment for high triglycerides?

The best treatment for high triglycerides is to have a healthy diet and lifestyle. In many cases these changes work well at lowering borderline to high levels.

What are some ways to lower triglycerides?

Triglycerides is what the fat in the human blood stream is called. One can lower the levels effectively by exercising and having a healthy diet. Too high levels of triglycerides are linked with risk of heart disease, so make sure you are in the normal range. Ask a doctor for further assistance.

Are high triglycerides dangerous?

Yes, high triglycerides are detrimental to your health and increases the chance of heart disease. It might symbolize metabolic instability within your system.