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This website should help, it lists good tasting food but still high in triglycerides Good luck with everything

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Q: What foods are high in triglycerides but tasty also?
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Is there a diet to lower triglycerides?

My husband has high triglycerides. The foods you need to avoid are sweets and sugars and foods that are high in carbohydrates. Also sodas should be avoided.

What exactly are some foods that lower triglycerides?

Including more fruit and vegetables in the diet can reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood. oatmeal, cinnamon and fish also contain triglyceride-lowering properties.

What are some foods that are low in triglycerides?

Triglycerides are carried in foods that are high in fat. In order to lower your triglyceride intake eat foods that have low fats or eat "heart smart" foods.

Are there any foods that lower triglycerides?

Some foods that help lower triglycerides are peanut butter and salmon. Foods high in saturated fat and trans fat contribute to higher triglycerides, so it is best to replace them with healthier options.

What kinds of foods are high in triglycerides?

Foods with high sugar content such as sodas, hard candies, cookies, milk-chocolate and ice-cream are high in triglycerides. Watch out for items that contain high amounts of sucrose, glucose, fructose, corn syrup, molasses or honey.

What foods are high in protein which do not contain high triglycerides?

There is a wide array of delectable foods to choose from such as unsalted assorted nuts, egg whites, and soy products. Baked or boiled skinless chicken is also a good choice.

What effect do high triglycerides have on long term health of a person?

In recent years, studies have shown that triglycerides should not be overlooked. If left untreated, very high triglycerides can lead to future health problems. Talk to your doctor. Taking your medication(s) as directed by your doctor, along with eating a healthy diet and exercising daily, can help you lower very high triglycerides.

What foods contribute to a high triglycerides diet?

There are a lot of foods that can contribute to high triglyceride levels. They include full fat milk, chocolate milk, yogurt, sour cream, bacon, sausage, eggs, avocados and muffins.

What exactly are Triglycerides?

Triglycerides in the blood stream can be defined as fat within the blood. High levels are usually caused by obesity, a lack of exercise and eating fatty and unhealthy foods.

Food that contains fats?

Foods that are high in fat will be sweets and processed foods that are high in calories and have very little nutritional value. This is also foods that are very tasty and appealing.

Foods that cause high triglycerides?

Alcohol elevates triglycerides. Elevated triglycerides can also be a symptom of the metabolic syndrome. There isn´t an association between high triglycerides and any particular food. Fast carbohydrates and saturaded fat combined to overweight, physical inactivity and age can lead to elevated triglyserides and/or metabolic syndrome. Additional information:

What exactly are blood triglycerides?

Triglycerides in the blood stream can be defined as fat within the blood. High levels are usually caused by obesity, a lack of exercise and eating fatty and unhealthy foods.