

Best Answer

The person with bone cancer would have talked to their doctor to find out what type of bone cancer they have and how long they've had it. A prognosis (within reason) would also be given by a doctor. It's important to have faith in whatever religion you believe in. Many doctors have been absolutely astonished at how a patient has gone into remission or even lived a very long life from bone cancer when all odds were against CERTAIN individuals that were given only a few months to live. There are many treatments to add longevity to a bone cancer patient's life. I have pasted this important information for you and please look at the contact information at the bottom at the new drugs that they are trying on patients and having some good success rates.

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# What are bones made of and how do they function? Mature bones are made up of three types of tissue: compact tissue (the hard outer portion of most bones); cancellous tissue (spongy tissue inside the bones that contains bone marrow, which makes blood cells); and subchondral tissue (smooth bone tissue of the joints). A layer of cartilage covers subchondral tissue to cushion the movement of joints. Bones support and protect internal organs, act as levers and braces for muscles to produce movement, and produce and store blood cells in the bone marrow. # Are all bone tumors cancerous? Bone tumors may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign bone tumors are more common than malignant ones. Both types may grow and compress healthy bone tissue and absorb or replace it witabnormal tissue. However, benign tumors do not spread and are rarely life-threatening. Cancer that arises in the bone (primary bone cancer) is not the same disease as cancer that spreads to the bone from another part of the body (secondary bone cancer). Primary bone cancer is rare, with approximately 2,500 new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. More commonly, bones are the site of tumors that result from the spread (metastasis) of cancer from another organ, such as the breasts,

lungs, and prostate. This fact sheet deals with primary bone cancer. # What types of cancer arise in the bones? The most common type of bone cancer is osteosarcoma, which develops in new tissue in growing bones. Another type of cancer, chondrosarcoma, arises in cartilage. Evidence suggests that Ewing's sarcoma, another form of bone cancer, begins in immature nerve tissue in bone marrow. Osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma tend to occur more frequently in children and adolescents, while chondrosarcoma occurs more often in adults (see chart). Cancers of the BoneTypes of Cancer Tissue of Origin Common Locations Common Ages Osteosarcoma Osteoid Knees, upper legs, upper arms 10-25 Chondrosarcoma Cartilage Pelvis, upper legs, shoulders 50-60 Ewing's Sarcoma Immature nerve tissue,

usually in bone marrow Pelvis, upper legs, ribs, arms 10-20 # What are possible risk factors for bone cancer? Although scientists are not certain what causes bone cancer, a number of factors may put a person at increased risk. These cancers occur more frequently in children and young adults, particularly those who have had radiation or chemotherapy treatments for other conditions. Adults with Paget's disease, a noncancerous condition characterized by abnormal development of new bone cells, may be at increased risk for osteosarcoma. A small number of bone cancers are due to heredity. For example, children with hereditary retinoblastoma (an uncommon cancer of the eye) are at a higher risk of developing osteosarcoma. # What are the symptoms of bone cancer? Pain is the most common symptom of bone cancer. However, symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of the cancer. Tumors that occur in or near joints may cause swelling or tenderness in the affected area. Bone cancer can also interfere with normal movements and can weaken the bones, occasionally leading to a fracture. Other symptoms may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, and anemia. None of these symptoms is a sure sign of cancer. They may also be caused by other, less serious conditions. It is important to check with a doctor. # How is bone cancer diagnosed? To diagnose bone cancer, the doctor asks about the patient's personal and family medical history and does a complete medical exam. The doctor may suggest a blood test to determine the level of an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase. A large amount of alkaline phosphatase can be found in the blood when the cells that form bone tissue are very active-when children are growing, when a broken bone is mending, or when disease or a tumor causes production of abnormal bone tissue. Because high levels of this enzyme can normally be found in growing children and adolescents, this test is not a completely reliable indicator of bone cancer. X-rays can show the location, size, and shape of a bone tumor. If x-rays suggest that a tumor may be cancer, the doctor may recommend special imaging tests such as a bone scan, a CT (or CAT) scan, an MRI, or an angiogram. However, a biopsy-the removal of a sample of tissue from the bone tumor-is needed to determine whether cancer is present. The surgeon may perform a needle biopsy or an incisional biopsy. During a needle biopsy, the surgeon makes a small hole in the bone and removes a sample of tissue from the tumor with a needle-like instrument. In an incisional biopsy, the surgeon cuts into the tumor and removes a sample of tissue. Biopsies are best done by orthopedic oncologists-doctors experienced in the diagnosis of bone cancer. A pathologist-a Doctor Who identifies disease by studying cells and tissues under a microscope-examines the tissue to determine whether it is cancerous. # What are the treatment options for bone cancer? Treatment options depend on the type, size, location, and stage of the cancer, as well as the person's age and general health. Surgery is often the primary treatment. Although amputation of a limb is sometimes necessary, pre- or post-operative chemotherapy has made limb-sparing surgery possible in many cases. When appropriate, surgeons avoid amputation by removing only the cancerous section of the bone and replacing it with an artificial device called a prosthesis. Chemotherapy and radiation may also be used alone or in combination. Because of the tendency for Ewing's sarcoma to metastasize rapidly, multidrug chemotherapy is often used, in addition to radiation therapy or surgery on the primary tumor. # Are new treatments being studied? To develop new, more effective treatments, the National Cancer Institute is sponsoring clinical trials (treatment studies with cancer patients) in many hospitals and cancer centers around the country. Clinical trials are a critical step in the development of new methods of treatment. Before any new treatment can be recommended for general use, doctors conduct clinical trials to find out whether the treatment is safe for patients and effective against the disease. Various forms of cancer treatments using surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy for bone cancer are being tested in clinical trials. Patients who are interested in learning more about participating in clinical trials can call the Cancer Information Service or access the clinical trials page of the National Cancer Institute's Web site at on the internet. # # #National Cancer Institute (NCI) Resources ; Cancer Information Service (toll-free) : Telephone: 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) : TTY: 1-800-332-8615 ; Online : NCI's Web site:

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9y ago

There are three treatments for bone cancer, as of 2014. The treatments are radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy. Each person will have a different treatment.

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11y ago

A series of chemotherapy treatments can be prescribed. This may add a year onto a person's life if the person responds to the treatment.

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In a way, yes, you can indeed get rib cancer. There is a cancer called bone cancer and a rib is a bone, so, if you have bone cancer in your ribs, then you have rib cancer.

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Stage 4 cancer is treatable. Once a person gets to state 4 cancer hardly ever go into remission due to the advancement of the disease.

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Is there bone cancer?

yes there is such a thing as bone cancer

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Is bone cancer communicable or noncommunicable?

Bone cancer is noncommunicable disease.

Where can people with bone cancer go for help?

To a bone cancer specialist.

Does bone marrow give cancer?

Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow.