

Is botox mede from blow fish?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Is botox mede from blow fish?
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Does the blow fish come from plankton?

Yes, they do. The blow fish does come from plankton. A blow fish type of plankton can change into a blow fish when it's older. A blow fish can blow itself up to protect itself from other fish that eats blow fish, but if it's stuck and the blow fish can't get out, both fish dies.

What is a blow fish?

a fish

What do you call a blow up fish?

You can call them: puffer fish, blow fish, globe fish, or fugu

What do blow fish eat?

Blow fish eat corals,smallfish,insects.

Would you rater be a turtle or a blow fish?

Probably a turtle looking blow fish.

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The most famous Mede in Scripture is Darius the Mede.

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it is the blow fish its the fish when it inflates it has spikes...

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Are blow fish deadly?

Blow Fish is another name for Puffer Fish. They are poisonous but I believe in some specialist Japanese restaurants the fish is prepared by experts and eaten by the brave.

What is a blow fish an omnivore or a fish or a herbivore or a carnivore?

a carnivore

Where do blow fish live?

in the ocean