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No, Bubonic Plague is not fully eradicated. It still exists in some parts of the world, particularly in rural areas of Africa, Asia, and South America. Outbreaks can occur but are usually controlled through public health measures.

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Q: Is bubonic plague fully eradicated
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What was the number one effective method that the city of London do to eradicate the plague?

The Bubonic Plague of 1665 was eradicated by the Great Fire of London in 1666.

What happened first the great fire of London or the great plauge?

The Bubonic Plague was rampant in London in 1665 and was eradicated by the fire in 1666.

Can you prevent Bubonic Plague?

To be cured from the Bubonic Plague you can use antibiodics. In the previous bubonic plagues when it was a plague there was no cure.

Why were the 1300 a century of crisis?

The Bubonic Plague

What two tragedies occurred in London in 1665-1666?

1665 was the date of the Bubonic Plague when thousands died. 1666 was the date of the Great Fire of London which eradicated the plague and hardly anyone died in the fire.

How does the bubonic plague affect muscles?

The Pneumonic plague, (internal bubonic plague,) constricted your throat muscles.

Where did the bubonic plague occur?

the Bubonic Plague occurred in Europe about 400 years ago

What is the medical name of the Bubonic Plague?

Bubonic Plague is caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis.

How can you use the word bubonic plague in a sentence?

The Bubonic Plague killed millions of people.

What disease spread quickly and killed many people in Europe?

the bubonic plague, spread by rats bitten bye infected fleas

What was the name of the plague that killed many people in the 14 century?

Well really there were three- the most common being the bubonic plague.

How is Doctor Yersin connected to bubonic plague?

The name of the bacillus that causes Bubonic plague is Yersinnia pestis.