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i think it is healthy

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Q: Is calrose rice healthy
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How much water in a rice cooker for calrose rice?

Calrose rice came to life out of a rice experiment and was released to growers in 1948. The name Calrose comes from two ideas. The Cal was for California where the original experiments were created and the 'rose' indicates medium-grain shape. Calrose rice has gone through a lot of changes and experiments through the years and the original grain does not exist today. What we have today is a grain that is referred to as sticky rice and is used in Sushi. Everywhere I have looked on the internet and how I cook Calrose rice is one cup of rice per 1 ¾ cup water. This works also for the rice cooker.

What rice is used in rissoto?

Abrorio rice traditionally but I've used pearl rice and calrose

Is rice pilaf healthy?

Rice pilaf is not considered a healthy food. It contains white rice, butter, pasta, and chicken broth which makes it high in fat and salt and carbs.

Is eating rice gives your body healthy?

Yes, rice is body healthy gives undoubtful!

Why is rice healthy?

Wrong [RIce is healthy because rice are made out of weat in the farm so weat are healthy but red rice is even MORE healthy then WHITE rice.] Rice is a grain, but it isn't wheat. It's considered healthy mostly because it is quite filling for the amount of calories consumed. This is due to rice's expansion in the stomach. It is also mostly carbohydrates in the form of starch, a complex carbohydrate; therefore, it is a good source of energy, especially if you are active.

How healthy is rice?


Is black bean sauce with rice healthy for you?

yes only if you put 90% sauce and 10% rice for healthy life

Is chicken rice healthy or unhealthy?

It depends how you prepare it. If you cook the rice without much condiments and without the chicken fat, then you have a very healthy chicken rice. Enjoy.

How healthy is boiled rice?

Boiled rice has some healthy benefits. It contains vitamins and minerals, and does give you some energy. If you use brown rice it also has fiber.

Is rice a healthy carbohydrate?

Yes it is

What makes sushi healthy?


What is healthier rice milk or goat milk?

yes rice milk is healthy