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If the vehicle has fuel injectors, then when the sugar-diluted gas is pumped to those injectors, it can plug, stick, and foul them.

Sugar does not dissolve in gasoline, it lays in the bottom of the fuel tank like sand unless there is water involved.

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Q: Is car any good after sugar is put in gas tank?
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Will car start with sugar in tank and drive?

Yes, the sugar will remain on the bottom of the tank like sand.

What will be the effect of sugar in petrol tank of a car?

Sugar in the petrol tank will quickly cause a car to break down. The sugar gums up fuel lines and injectors, disabling fuel delivery.

Will putting sugar in a gas tank mess up your car?

Sugar sits on the bottom of the tank like sand unless you have some water in the tank also.

What to do if sugar is in tank?

If you suspect that someone put sugar in the tank of your car, the best thing to do is to make an appointment to have your filters cleaned at a garage. Sugar in the tank will not disable your car, this is a common myth, but like pouring sand into someone's gas tank, it might cause your filters to need cleaning earlier.

Will a car owner no if sugar has been put in their gas tank?

Probably not. The sugar will sit on the bottom of the tank like sand. Yes he/she will, the car will stop running well, or at all. Why? the sugar dissolves into the gasoline, because its a solvent

What does sugar in a car gas tank do?

Plugs up the fuel filter if the sugar makes it that far.

Does black smoke come out the car if sugar in gas tank?

No, sugar sits on the bottom of the fuel tank like sand unless there is some water present.

What if you put sugar in the gas tank?

Sugar in the gas tank will not cause the engine to fail because sugar does not dissolve in gas. It will get pulled thru the gas line and into the fuel filter(s) and depending on how much sugar is in the tank, will plug the fuel filter sooner or later. This will cause the car to stall or not stay running. You can either replace the fuel filters until the sugar is gone or get the car to a mechanic and have the gas tank removed and flushed out. This is not a do-it-yourself project. You could also drive the car to the mechanic and then have the fuel filter replaced while they are flushing the gas tank.

What happens if you put diet pop in car gas tank?

One can is not going to do anything. Just fill the tank full, drive the car until that tank of fuel is gone and then change the fuel filter just to make sure. Any harmful sugar of other substances will be trapped in the filter. BTW, it is a myth that sugar will damage an automobile engine. It will always be trapped by the filter.

Will a car instantly stop running once sugar is put in gas tank or does it will the car run till the sugar reaches the engine. Also how long does the process take?

With all the fuel filters in place, the chances of any of the sugar reaching the engine is slim. The sugar sits on the bottom of the tank like sand. This was a topic of discussion on the show "Myth Busters". They proved it to be harmless. I'm sure some people will argue the point.

Sugar water in a gas tank?

It might cause your car to stall depending on how much was put in.

Why would my car have syrup substance in the gas tank and a sludge substance in the engine oil?

Someone probably put sugar in your gas tank.