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Back dated to what if it's being stopped?

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Q: Is child support back dated from the date the parent stopped the child support?
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Can you ask for child support for your 16 yr old daughter who is staying with you since she was 14 and can you get that back dated?

You may ask for child support, including retroactive support.

Can a women get child support back dated to the time the man left the household?

It's possible, but she needs to file for child support right away.

What is the motion I need to file to quash my back dated child support?

That's a motion to modify retroactive child support. Most states will not allow it. Of note, Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement opposed the practice of backdating child support. see links

Can a woman file for child support fifteen years later to a man that has no idea he might be the father and has not seen nor spoke to the woman or child in fifteen years?

Yes DNA is DNA. As long as the child is 18 and under (or 21 and under if he/she is a student) child support can be filed for, recovered and even back dated

Is there a way to get out of paying back child support if the kids are grown. The mom just put child support on me so it got back dated since the divorce?

This is possible, under certain limitations, on single parents, but in 20 years, I've never seen one done as it relates to a divorce. Usually, child support orders are established at the time of the divorce. If not paid, arrears can be collected, regardless of the age of the children.

How to politely ask ex who you haven't spoken to in over a year for child support?

When the issue relates to child support, although it might seem unkind it is always in the best interest of the custodial parent and the child/children to use due process through the court system. There is, of course no reason the parents cannot make a private agreement between themselves, but such an agreement if not followed or challenged could only be adjudicated through the court. The politest way would be, IMO, written correspondence giving the pertinent facts of the situation, amount of support needed, how and when to be paid, etc. The requester might consider also letting the non custodial parent know that legal recourse is available if he or she is not willing to an amicable agreement. Any such contract should be made in writing with all terms included, signed by both parties, dated and notarized.

If a Modification is made to Child support will there be rearranges back dated to first award?

No, only to the filing, but under certain circumstances, you can file for a reduction in any arrears. Read link by Judge Ross.

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C and Graphviz is actually the parent company of Graphviz. They continue to work on graphing layouts in their company. Their last noted information is dated May 29, 2013.

What should you do if you nearly dated someone but their friends stopped you?

Either your friends are hiding something from you,they know something is wrong,they just want you to not let it not happen,or they can be a player. If you want to know why they stopped you well just ask them. Good Luck!

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The last silver certificates were dated 1957 and there are no US bills dated 1965. By 1965 the U.S. had stopped making coins from silver and discontinued the policy of redeeming silver certificates for metal.

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