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Not really... chromatin refers to the interplay between the DNA and proteins (such as histones) which allow the chromosome (DNA) to have its distinctive shape and structure. It also refers to the winding of DNA - DNA on its own is the famous double helix, but in a chromosome it mostly exists as a wound up string of DNA surrounded by proteins which hold it together.

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Q: Is chromatin a chromosome consisting of two chromatids held together by a centromere?
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What is sister chromatin?

Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a single replicated chromosome that are joined by a centromere. During cell division, sister chromatids are separated and move to opposite poles of the cell to ensure each daughter cell receives an exact copy of the genetic material.

What is a list of the 3 parts of a chromosome?

The three main parts of a chromosome are the centromere, which holds sister chromatids together, the telomeres at each end, which protect the chromosome from deteriorating, and the chromatin, which contains DNA and proteins that help organize and package the DNA.

Are the two sister chromatids that are connected by a centromere identical to one another?

Yes, sister chromatids are identical because they are produced through DNA replication. They are held together at the centromere before being separated during cell division.

Are chromosomes and chromatid the same thing?

Two chromatids held by the centromere is called a chromosome.

What does the cemtromere do?

the centromere in a double stranded chromosome is the glue like substance that holds the two strands of chromatin together( when there is only 1 chromosome it is chromatin)

What is the region of a chromosome holding the two double strands of replicated DNA together called?

The region of a chromosome holding the two double strands of replicated DNA together is called a centromere. The complex of DNA and protein that makes up eukaryotic chromosome is properly called chromatin.

During which phase of the cell cycle do chromatids form?

When a single chromosome is replicated, two sister chromatids are produced. After cell division, each of the chromatids is a chromosome for the daughter cell.

Is the animal cell the only one to have chromatids?

During mitosis, the chromatin condenses to form chromosomes. Each chromosome consists of two identical strands, or chromatids.

What is The strand of DNA found in each chromosome?

The strand of DNA found in each chromosome is a double helix made up of nucleotides. This DNA carries the genetic information necessary for cell function and inheritance.

Chromatids are held together by a?

They are held together, or conjoined, at their centromeres. These quite small regions of the chromosome pairs contain a specific set or 'mix' of nucleotides that are most Happy when being 'confined' in close-quarters. Chromatin is another matter.

How are chromosome and chromatids related?

Chromatin is intertwinted mass of fine thread-like structure made of DNA and protein. During cell division (mitosis and meiosis), chromatin condenses to form thicker rod-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome consists of two similar halves called chromatids. Formation of chromosomes having two similar halves or chromatids is meant for equitable distribution of chromatin which is hereditary material.

What does chromatin do in cell?

Chromatin is made up of DNA and proteins and are located in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Two chromatids join together at a point called a centromere, forming chromosomes during mitotic cell division.