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This is an ethical question and is based on personal opinions.
There are many types of cloning and two of them are reproductive and therapeutic. Usually when people think that cloning is ethically right, they are mostly focusing on therapeutic cloning which is only creating a whole new single body part from a single cell. People who generally think that cloning is wrong are focusing more on the reproductive cloning which creates an entirely new organism.

Both sides have their pros and cons. For example, therapeutic can create new body parts for a sick person and save their lives, using the same person's cells. But reproductive cloning may cause many problems such as people have too similar DNA and letting new diseases arise.

My personal opinion is that cloning should be allowed for therapeutic reasons only but should be controlled so the research does not get out of control. If people were able to learn how to clone someone or something, this could cause multiple issues for humans and other species.

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Q: Is cloning morally right why?
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