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Q: Is collecting taxes a enumerated power of congress?
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What right does the final enumerated power give the Congress?

The power to levy taxes, to borrow money,to regulate commerce,to join coin money,and to punish counterfeiting.

What right does the final enumerated power give the US congress?

The power to levy taxes, to borrow money,to regulate commerce,to join coin money,and to punish counterfeiting.

Among the expressed powers of the congress are the power to collect?

Among the explicit powers granted to the Congress by the United States Constitution is taxation. Congress has the power to assess and collect taxes/duties as enumerated by Article I Section 8.

What are the six sovereign powers of congress?

Congress has been granted sovereign powers. These powers are the power to borrow money, the power to regulate Federal property, levying and collecting taxes, trade regulations, and military power.

Hola Are the written powers specifically given to Congress by the Constitution such as the power to declare war called enumerated powers?

Yes. The powers written specifically for what Congress can and cannot do are called Enumerated Powers. These include declaring war, coining and borrowing money, collect taxes, and pay debts.

What problems did the second continental congress have?

The problems it had was collecting taxes

Give five examples of the enumerated powers of congress as specified in Article you Section 7 of the constitution?

Congress has the power to declare war, to establish post offices, to coin money, to provide and maintain a navy, and to lay and collect taxes.

Example of congressional enumerated power?

== == Enumerated powers are powers directly written in the constitution. Enumerated Powers of the Congress include: • Collect taxes • Borrow money • Regulate trade • Establish Bankruptcy codes • Coin money • Establish post offices • Provide a military • Provide a militia • Make all necessary and proper laws • Declare War

An example of congressional enumerated power is?

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes,duties,imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the US but all duties,imposts, and excises shall be uniform thoughtout the US.

Who has the power to raise the taxes?

The congress

Is collecting taxes an implied expressed or inherent power?

it is expressed

Are implied and enumerated powers the same?

No. Enumerated powers are those that are expressly written out in the Constituton, i.e. the president may a bill passed by Congress. Implied are those that seemingly must be granted to carry out duties. For instance it was never expressly said that Congress will make a bank, Treasury, but it does say that it can levy and collect taxes. So it seems that the creation of a bank is necessary and an implied power of congress. Enumerated powers also can't be argued in their existence, only to their extent. Implied are much more fluid