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Q: Is commander in chief is proper noun?
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Is President Barack Obama considered more than one proper noun in a sentence?

No, the term 'President Barack Obama' is a compound, proper noun.A name or the title of a specific person, or the name of a specific thing is a proper noun; for example, the common noun 'commander-in-chief' is a compound, common noun as a general word for a head of state. The title of a specific person, 'Barack Obama, Commander in Chief' is a proper noun as the title of a specific person. Other examples of compound proper nouns are the Grand Canyon, the Golden Gate Bridge, or "Gone With the Wind".

What is plural possessive of commander in chief?

The plural possessive is commanders in chief's.

Which is correct Commander in chief or Commander and Chief?

"commander-in-chief" is what you are looking for.

What is the plural possessive for commander in chief?

The plural form of the compound noun commander-in-chief is commanders-in-chief.The plural possessive form is commanders-in-chief's.example: A commanders-in-chief's conference has been scheduled for April.

Is opechancannough a proper noun or common noun?

Opechancanough or Opchanacanough, chief of the Powhatan Confederacy, is a proper noun, the name of a specific person. A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun is always capitalized.

What is the presidents official military title?

Commander-in-chief commander in chief of the armed forces.

Can you use alien as a proper noun?

If u say it like , Alien Commander Scott.

Why is the term commander in chief and not Commander-in-chief?

commander-in-chief is a compound word meaning the highest ranking commander-- it is just one position. Commander and chief would indicate two separate functions and positions.

Which office holds the title of commander -in-chief?

The President of the US is the Commander-in-Chief. Currently, President Obama is Commander-in-Chief.

Which office hold the title of commander-in-chief?

The President of the US is the Commander-in-Chief. Currently, President Obama is Commander-in-Chief.

Which office holds the title of Commander-in-Chief?

The President of the US is the Commander-in-Chief. Currently, President Obama is Commander-in-Chief.

What authority does the president have over the military?
