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Q: Is committees of Loyalists set up in various colonies to spread information about British actions true or false?
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What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspandence?

The purpose was to start a way to send information easier through out the colonies of early America. A group of officials, or delegates, from each colony came to meet and form the Committees of Correspondence. In this organization, delegates wrote letters and sent them to the other colonies on horseback so the information traveled around the colonies faster. Why should they do this? They did this because information about what the British was doing could travel to the other colonies fast. This way if the British were doing bad things the other colonies knew about it and could tell everyone in the colonies what the British were doing and that the colonies should unite and be independent. The loyalists, the colonists loyal to the king of England, could then decide to become patriots, the colonists wanting independence. The delegates hoped that sending information to the other colonies would lead loyalists into changing sides and supporting freedom for the colonies. The Committees of Correspondence either worked or did not work, I do not know, but i do know that the information did travel fast but it might not have worked with the loyalists. Hope you understand now.

What is the committees of Loyalist?

the committees of loyalists are to write letters to spread the alarm whenever the British tried to enforce unpopular acts of Parliament.

Who favored British control of the colonies?

Loyalists. -n.p.

What did the British and Loyalists eat?

The same thing everyone ate in the colonies.

Were the committees of correspondence good or bad?

For the Loyalists and those that sought to maintain British rule in the American colonies, they were very bad. For the Patriots who shared a common goal of determining their own destinies, they were essential. Many of those who were active in the Committees had come to resent the rule of King George and the British Parliament, and they began to espouse American independence.

How did patriots communicate news of British actions throughout the 13 colonies?

Colonists used Committees of Correspondence to spread news about the latest British actions.

Committees organized to keep the colonies informed of events by writing letters?

The Committees of Correspondence were formed for the purpose of keeping the colonies informed. They were created by the Patriot leaders.

'What did the loyalists want to see happen'?

The Loyalists during the American Revolution wanted to see the colonies accept British rule. The Colonials wanted British rule to end.

What happened to the Loyalists after the war?

The loyalists were individuals that lived within the colonies yet still gave their loyalty to the British. After the Revolutionary War many of the loyalist left the colonies to live in Canada territories.

Why were the patriots and the loyalists arguing?

Although both parties were Americans, loyalists wanted the colonies to remain loyal to the British, while patriots wanted to split from the empire and have the colonies become their own nation. The patriotic fought the British in the American Revolution, while loyalists served as spies against the patriots.

In the American colonies did Loyalists oppose or support the American Revolution?

They opposed the Revolution. (Loyalists were loyal to Britain.)

What was the role of the Committees of Correspondence which formed in the years before the American Revolution?

To provide unity and leadership for anti-British activities in the American colonies. The committees provided a means of intercolonial communication and cooperation.