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Yes, technically your first week of pregnancy is the week of your last period which is odd because you haven't even conceived yet! Welcome to the wonder world where mathematics and pregnancy don't mix and you somehow squeeze 40 weeks into 9 months?! By the time you actually find out you are pregnant you are generally 4 weeks along because the 4th weeks is the week you would generally miss your expected period.

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Conception is when sperm meets egg and they attach to the wall of your uterus and become an embryo. It's essentially the day you got pregnant.

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It can happen up to 48 hours after sex.

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Q: Is conception the day you got pregnant or is two weeks before that?
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When does first week of pregnancy starts?

This can be confusing! The first week of pregnancy is actually considered to be the day of your last menstrual period, before you are technically even pregnant! You are actually two weeks pregnant when conception occurs, and generally four weeks pregnant before you can get a positive pregnancy test!

If you 1 week pregnant and you consume alcohol what happens to the baby?

Nothing. You're considered 2 weeks pregnant before you even have sex. The 1st day of your period is the start of week one and the best time to get pregnant in a 28 day cycle is around day 14. As the pregnancy calendar goes from the 1st day of the last period you're considered 2 weeks pregnant before conception takes place.

If you were 6 weeks pregnant when was the conception date?

No, not necessarily. How far along you are is estimated based on the first day of your last menstrual cycle. For example, if you just missed your period, then you're probably already 4 weeks pregnant!

Your girlfriend is pregnant and on the ultrasound said GA edd 19 weeks and 0 days but that would place conception to almost 3 weeks before you had sex what does this mean?

They count the weeks of pregnancy back to the last date of the first day of your menstrual period, not to date of conception. For example, I am considered to be at 15 weeks. The first day of my last period was 11/25/08 and the date of conception was anywhere between 12/9 and 12/16

If you are 11 weeks pregnant on Dec 30 2009 when did you conceive?

Nine weeks before that, which is the same as two weeks after your last menstrual period. Doctors include the two weeks before conception in their calculation of the pregnancy date; that is, they start the calculation from the first day of your last period. Approximately 10/31/09.

If i was 11 weeks 4 days pregnant on June 29 the dr told me that it was pretty accurate with out the exact day of my last menstrual period when was the day of conception?

Erm....11 weeks and 4 days before June 29th maybe??? Like the 4th April?

You started your period the day after conception is there still a possibility of pregnancy?

The day after conception or the day after sex? I know they may sound the same but they are very different. Conception would mean you know you got pregnant that very day. If you had sex and had a period the next day chances are good that you are not pregnant. If after 2 weeks you have any concerns that you could be pregnant, take a test or see your doctor. Some women have normal pregnancies and have their period every month. But most women are not ovulating (fertile) the day before they start their period. Conception normally occurs mid cycle, day 13 or 14 in a 28 day cycle.

38 weeks back from August 12th what day is conception day?

38 weeks before Thursday, August 12th, 2010 = Thusday, November 19th, 2009.

How do you calculate conception date?

To calculate conception you can go from the first day of your last period and add two weeks eg if your last period was on the first of the month then conception would have taken place at around the 15th . If you do not no the first day of your last period but no how many weeks pregnant you are then count back and minus two weeks eg if you are seventeen weeks on the 2nd of September go back on the calendar 15 weeks this will give you a approximate conception date

If you were told you conceived on February 10 2007 and the first day of your lmp was January 27 2007 but when you do the pregnancy calculators they say you are 5 weeks pregnant--how is that possible?

Pregnancy supposedly (medically) lasts for 40 weeks. In reality it lasts for 38 weeks from conception. Conception occurs approximately 14 days after your last period started for a woman who has a 28 day cycle. So everyone's pregnancy is based on these mythical 14 days eventhough very few women have a 28 day cycle! Medically they count these 14 days within the 40 weeks you are pregnant. You are considered 2 weeks pregnant at the moment of conception! Therefore three weeks after "The Deed" you are considered 5 weeks pregnant. Your doctor will not really care when you fell pregnant, s/he will be more concerned about the date of your last period and count from there.

Your due date is october 13th what day did you get pregnant?

Based on a normal gestation period of 40 weeks the conception date was January 20th 2010.

How do you calculate the day on which you got pregnant?

Your pregnancy is considered to have started on the first day of the cycle in which you got pregnant. Since most women have a 28-day cycle and they conceived around the 14th day, you are technically considered 2 weeks pregnant at the time of conception. Therefore, by the time you find out you are pregnant (you've noticed you missed your period, pregnancy test is positive) you are considered about 4 weeks pregnant. hope this is what you were looking for.