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When people divorce it's always wise to take time out for yourself to get to know YOU, your weakness' and strengths and to basically do a "tune-up" regarding yourself. Give yourself the time to know in what direction you want to go. It doesn't matter if the divorce was one ugly mess and you don't have a drop of love left for your ex, one still goes through a grieving period. They have been use to having a male around and now the woman is alone. It feels strange and it takes a little getting use too. You will and you'll have fun, then it's time to think of a serious relationship. If you want to date your first love then take it slow and easy and don't rush things. I was married before and of course divorced. I took time out for myself and moved into MY OWN apartment (never had that luxury before) got a new job, made new friends and lived life. I wanted to see what I was made out of and I was in awe at just how strong a person I was. I dated, but nothing serious. In a year I felt more complete as an individual and knew my strengths and worked on my weakness'. It paid off! I later met and married a wonderful man and we've been married for 34 years. It was worth the wait! If you haven't invested the time in yourself (advice is roughly one year per four years you were married), then the new relationship, rekindled or not, is a rebound. If you broke up in the past with the lost love that you are rekindling with, then it might be worth remembering the reason and take your time. Often the same issues come back to haunt a couple. You will be okay on your own while you find yourself!

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Q: Is connecting with a first love after a divorce considered a rebound or a rekindled love?
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I don't know if a year gone by can be considered a rebound, but it may have more to do with your feelings after the breakup. Rebound relationships are usually defined as dating someone while still bouncing back from losing another person. But you left your ex-husband, so chances are, a year later, you're not on the rebound anymore. But, of course, only you would know whether you were or not.

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