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Q: Is cramping normal 1 week after embRYO'S implantation?
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Cramping afterwards is normal for about a week after but if you feel it's worse then that call your doctor again.

Is it normal to still have cramping after your period that comes and goes for the last two week?

No. Cramping before and during your period is normal, but not after. You should see a doctor.

How long does or can implantation cramping last with no bleeding?

Implantation cramping is different in every woman. It can last a few hours to about a week, but still even after the egg has implanted, you can still experience cramping, such as, throughout your whole pregnancy, due to the uterus growing and changing.If you are concerned, check with your doctor.

Is little cramping normal at six week of pregnancy?

I went to my first doctor appointment when I was seven weeks and 2days and asked her if cramping is normal and she said it is and its nothing to worry about.

If you just had a miscarriage is it normal to still be bleeding and cramping after a week and the blood has an odor to it?

yes very normal.

If you had bleeding and cramping 4 days after sex but your period wasn't due for another week could it be implantation bleeding?

Implantation takes place 2 weeks after a sperm fertelizes an egg; that is 2 weeks, on average, after having intercourse.

Lower abdominal cramps 1 week after ovulation?

If u have successfuly conceived then cramping one week after ovulation can most likely be a sign of implantation to the uterine wall..congrats you just might preggers : )

When you are becoming pregnant when is the beginning of implantation and when is implantation complete?

Implantation happens on the 16th day after ovulation. You might get cramping and some spoting but not everyone get the symptoms.. I know i had no spoting with my first and i had my implantation 2 days ago with no spoting. So it takes 2 to 3 days for completion..then you can test next week when your period comes on. good luck

Can you feel belly cramps after one week?

Implantation does cause cramping and i believe that process takes a few days. Throughout the first trimester you may feel cramping as well so absolutely. Every body is different just listen to your own.

Is cramping a week and a half before your period normal or does that mean possible pregnancy even if you haven't had sex?


Is there spotting after embryo implantation?

Yes and no..i had no spoting with the first and this is going to be my second and i had implantation this week with no spoting..

You have irregular periods but 2 days ago you had brown discharge and then pink when you wiped for 2 hours and was cramping like you were ON your period is this ovulation or implantation bleeding?

Based on my experience it is implantation bleeding. I had it a week before my period should arrive. But i knew i was pregnant when i had it. My husband and I are trying to conceive that's why even with a negative result i still believe i am. After 3 days of missed period true enough i was pregnant! I also had lower abdominal cramping and backpains. So goodluck!