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I think that cyber communication is a mix of both a problem and progress.


You keep in touch with distant friends and relatives better

Enables you to contact help in an emergency situation

You can connect with people using sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, MSN, etc.. etc..


Online predators can threaten you and your children

Cyber bullying

People get lazy and rely on technology too much

It takes away from basic human-to-human communication and experiences

Your privacy is at stake.

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Q: Is cyber communication progress or a problem?
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Is cyber communication progress or problem?

it is a progress because it helps people keep in touch .

Is cyber communication good or bad?

I believe that cyber communication is a problem.

What is the meaning of Cyber communication?

The term cyber-communication refers to the science of cybernetics, which is the study of Artificial Intelligence; cyber-communication would be some form of computer mediated communication.

What is the meaning of Cyber-communication?

The term cyber-communication refers to the science of cybernetics, which is the study of artificial intelligence; cyber-communication would be some form of computer mediated communication.

How can cyber communication be useful?

cyber communication can be useful with looking for more information about studies.

What are the progress of communication?

Communication is a big part of life. Cyber communication, such as Myspace, Twitter, Phone/Texting, Im, E-mail, and Iphone/Droid. Each one is communication between two people. They are a progress because each one is helping people keep in touch, and to just keep a conversation going. This is also a problem because when you are talking on your cellphone, you don't know the harms of radiation. It is very harmful to one's health. Does this sum it up for you? Please comment if you feel as though my answer is incorrect.

What is a cyber community?

What is cyber communication? Cyber commmunication is a way of talking to a people who receives holy communication it can be considered progress however, there are manys people through anything like texting, email, facebook, twitter etc. News or have social dealings able to be could be good and have some bad news?

What is the definition of Cyber Communication?

a way of communication over the iinternet or other device.

What are cyber communications?

Communicating online or use of internet in communication

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Why do people use cyber communication?

to talk to people quicker