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Answer 1 (United States)

Legally, it is considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). However, there is much debate. Many people believe they have a disability due to their inability to hear. However, some feel they are not disabled because they can function normally with modern technology.

Answer 2 (United Kingdom & The World)

In the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy and most of the modern world, it is classified as a disability.

Because deafness prevents the individual from having a "normal" life. Their social and work abilities are affected, there are a large number of careers they cannot perform and so on.

Therefore it is legally classified as a disability, because it "disables" the individuals ability to have a "normal" life.

Even if there is equipment available to make their lives easier, it does not mean they are not disabled. In the same sense that a double amputee who is given a pair of prosthetic legs is still disabled.

The United Kingdom is known to have the fiercest and strictest disability protection laws on the entire globe.

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What's Deafness?

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